Chapter 2

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Jalexis is now at home and her parents asked how her night went. She said it was amazing and so magnificent. Jalexis parents said that's great to know sweetie. We're glad you had a great time. Now go up stairs and take a shower, so you can get ready for bed. Jalexis said will do so mom and dad. Thanks for always being there for me. Jalexis parents said no problem sweetie as she was going upstairs. Jalexis parents whispered what was that for to each other and they shrugged their shoulders and said whatever.

Jalexis getting in the shower and she's getting prepared for bed. She gets out the shower and brushes her teeth. After she brushed and she gargles, but then she washes her face. After she done with her night routine she goes to her bed room and she takes her personal journal from under her pillow and she opens it with a key. She starts writing in the journal and says.....

Dear, Diary

Today was an amazing day because Leontae Strong said hey to me and I was so happy when he said that to me. Then, it was horrible at one moment because my so called best friend and I ended are friendship. Just because she liked him, but the thing is I liked him first before her anyway. Well I'm pretty sure I did, but me and Leontae was meant for each other, but how come you have to end a friendship over a boy. Well I Jalexis Soulman ended the friendship. I said some hurtful things to Sandra, but I didn't care. All I was thinking about was Leontae, Leontae, and Leontae. Nothing else was important to me, but him.

Now it was an amazing date because we went to the arcade and to wands burgers. He paid for my meal. He also got us wine and I'm underage to drink liquor, but he wasn't. He was 21years old and that how we were able to get liquor, but it was amazing I had a good time. He drove me home and walked me to my front door and kissed me on the cheek. DAMN I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!! Could anything make this day better? I feel like calling Sandra and telling her about my day, but she not answering my phone calls or texting me. I guess she still upset with me.

I wish Sandra and I was back talking to each other again. I guess that's never going to happen anytime soon. If only we could make up and be friends again then I'll be happy all over again. Do you think she'll forgive me? I don't know what to do without my best friend. I just miss her so much. I hate the fact I lost her, but I'm never going to show my pain in front of her. I'm just going to forget about this moment.


Jalexis Soulman

Jalexis shut off her room light and went to sleep. Next day Jalexis wake up and took her personal diary. She wrote in it again and said.........

Dear, Diary

I'm going to Sandra house and try to make up and become best friends hopefully. Should I go to her house and knock on the door. Part of me says yes, but other part says no. I have no reason to think anymore. I feel like I lost the only best friend I ever had, but mother always told me it's more people to make good friends with in the world. No one can ever replace Sandra at all.

Will I ever win the best friend back and if so how? She won't talk to me through phone or text messages. Every time I walk by her I feel the urge to run because I know she has hatred towards me for real. I was a bitch to her and a cruel one that I chose a boy over her. She was my best friend.

Jalexis walks downstairs and she tells her parents she going for a walk around the block. Jalexis parents said alright be careful and if she going somewhere else to come home before midnight. Jalexis said alright no problem mom and dad. Jalexis had a wonderful singing voice. It made her feel special about herself. She made her own songs and recorded them on her phone, so now she walks outside her front door and she walks around the block where she spots sandra's house two houses down and then she stops and freezes for a minute.

    Jalexis walks and goes up to Sandra's front door and as she try to knock she freeze and walked away, so she runs back to the door. Where she knock and try to leave the porch, but then Sandra's parents open the door. They said hello Jalexis how are you? Lexi said I'm alright and she asked is Sandra home. Sandra's parent said yes she's here. They called up to Sandra and said SOMEBODY IS HERE FOR YOU!

    Sandra said who is it. Sandra's mom said Jalexis! Sandra yelled I'M NOT HERE! Jalexis shouted PLEASE CAN WE TALK! Sandra yelled NO! Lexi shouted PLEASE! Sandra yelled FINE! Sandra's parents said come in and you can go upstairs to her room, so Lexi said thank you Mrs. & Mr. Charms. They said no prolem and that they hope Lexi and Sandra resolve there situation.

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