Chapter 8

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Friday night is here and Jalexis wants to party, so she goes to Sandra house to see if she wants to go out tonight to the bar or the club. Sandra said sure, but I don't know what to wear. Jalexis said I'll help you find something. Sandra said okay, so we scum through her wardrobe and we finds a beautiful white dress with diamonds on it. Jalexis said have you been had this dress. Sandra said I didn't know about this dress.
Jalexis was wearing a black shimmery dress with some black and gold heels with a black purse with diamonds. She was so excited to go out and I can't believe I finally get some free time. They get in Jalexis parents car, but don't worry she asked for permission and they told her go have fun and be careful, she told Sandra. Sandra's parents said be safe you two. They both yelled we will, so off they went to Hot chasers club the most exclusive club in town.
             They was drinking a lot and having a good time. Then suddenly 2hrs into the club a man comes up to Jalexis and Sandra saying may I buy you ladies a drink. They told him   sure why not and all three of them was laughing and having a good time. Later that night, Leontae enters the club and he spots Jalexis out and on his way heading towards her way his webaby-mama came up and said Bae where you going. Leontae like nothing give me a moment. His baby mama like okay I guess.
                 Leontae walks towards Jalexis and comes up behind Jalexis. He says hey you look beautiful tonight, she said bye as you can see I'm with someone. Leontae said I miss you, Jalexis said the man said she said she talking to someone. Leontae said so what I'm trying to talk to her, so him and the guy got into it. Leontae through the first hit and then the man punch him Back by the way the man name Demontae, so now they fighting back and forth, which Jalexis and Sandra is shocked. Suddenly security come and removes both guys out the club because they damaged the property with there fight.
Once the guys are outside they still upset about what happened. Leontae said why wouldn't you just let me speak to her. Demontae said because we was in the middle of talking and you just interfered, if I were to guess I'll think you her boyfriend or something. Leontae said no I'm her ex-boyfriend. Demontae said what happened? How you lose a beautiful woman like her? Leontae said we broke up because she found out that she was a bet between me and my boys. Also, she found out that she was not my main chick and that she was a side piece, so I knew we was over. She also found out that I have a baby mama and that she was my main girl. Demontae said wow you're such a jerk you know that, why would you do that? If she was my girl I'll treat her like a princess. I'll let her know that she is my everything and that she's my one and only, but that's just me. Leontae said I wish I was worthy enough for her because if I could start over again. I'll make sure she complimented everyday, I'll let her know how important she is to me, I'll buy her flowers everyday and I'll put a love poem inside everyday to let her know I love her because I love Jalexis so much, but I know she'll never take me back or trust me again. Demontae said if you really care and want to be with her let her know. Leontae said I wish I could, but what if she doesn't want to speak to me. Demontae said well you never know until you try, here's your chance because she coming out. Leontae said what let me get presentable. Demontae said chill just go up to her. Leontae said okay here I go, he walks up to Jalexis and Sandra. He said Jalexis can I speak to you for a minute. Jalexis said sure I guess and Sandra said let me give y'all a minute I'm a talk to Demontae. Jalexis said okay girl You Go Bitch!! Sandra runs over to talk to Demontae. Jalexis said so what you want to talk about Leontae.
Leontae said Jalexis I know I hurt you and I feel bad about it. I just want you to know your beautiful, intelligent, and blessed. I just want you to know I miss you and that you mean so much to me and that I want you back. I want to start over with a fresh start, so what you say can we start over. (Crying with anger) Jalexis said what you mean start over you hurt me. Leontae said I know and I'm sorry. Jalexis said you sorry(crying). I'm sorry for trusting you and as much as you miss me. We're not getting back together because I don't know if I'm ready for you to have my heart again. I just need time to process. Leontae said I understand and again Jalexis I'm sorry. Jalexis said bye and Leontae said bye. Then Sandra comes back over and Leontae walks away. Sandra ask Jalexis how it go? Jalexis said alright he wanted to get back together. Sandra said oh really after everything he put you through what you say? Jalexis said I told him no I need to process things. Sandra said good let's go home. Jalexis said okay let's go. Sandra said I'm staying at your place. Jalexis said okay, so both of them goes in the car and drive home. 1hr later they reach Jalexis house and they go inside. Jalexis hands her parents the key and ask can Sandra stay over. Jalexis parents said yes, but let Sandra's parents know she staying over. They said okay and Sandra calls her parents to let them know she staying a night at Jalexis house. They said okay, Jalexis and Sandra started talking. Sandra said what a crazy night and Jalexis said tell me about it.
             Jalexis said now you and Demontae was hitting it off. Sandra said we did, didn't we. Jalexis said yes and I believe you were blushing. Sandra said shut up  and Jalexis said I'm serious, I'm glad you had a good time. Sandra said now what a night for you like Leontae showed his ass, why he go off on Demontae for shits crazy. Jalexis said I know right and then had the nerves to say he miss me like damn you did me petty. Sandra said I know right. Jalexis also said he had the nerve to say he sorry and wants me back. Sandra said I know and Jalexis said let's go to sleep. Sandra okay goodnight and Jalexis said goodnight.

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