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danoutboi🔮: guess what

phil!atdadisco🐙: wot

danoutboi🔮: the german word for nipple translates to 'breast wart'.

phil!atdadisco🐙: i will never look at a nipple the same again

danoutboi🔮: also, meningitis translates to 'skin of brain in flames'

phil!atdadisco🐙: that sounds more violent then it should

danoutboi🔮: i love germany
danoutboi🔮: lets have our honeymoon in germany

phil!atdadisco🐙: whatever makes you happy baby

danoutboi🔮: i could be in a desert & i'd be happy if you were there.

danoutboi🔮: but i'm not going anywhere near a fuckin desert so

phil!atdadisco🐙: and the romance is gone


today(8/14/17)was my first day of my junior(11th grade)year of high school & thats two of the words i learned in german (: i'm hecka excited for this year. hope you're enjoying your school year!

ttyl ∆ phanWhere stories live. Discover now