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okay so,, hi

i was looking through my library (on wattpad obvi) and i noticed,, that there wasn't a lot of phan.


it's not because i no longer like them or don't watch them anymore. idk just all my favorite phan stories were put on hold or abandoned or the author just never updates.(proof reading this and my gosh i'm an idiot that's what abandoned means fjdk) i've also noticed that i'm one of those types of author's i'm so sorry.

i now read a shit ton of (don't fucking judge me) werewolf bxb stories. I'M ACTUALLY OBSESSED. THEY'RE SO GOOD AND THEY (most of the time) ALWAYS HAVE HAPPY ENDINGS AND THEY ALMOST ALWAYS HAVE LOADS OF SPINOFFS WITH DIFFERENT CHARACTERS AND ITS THE BEST THING EVER. (if you have any good recommendations for books like these pls tell me)

but anywho, i do have a plan for a lil ~series~ for my account and i'm kinda excited and i've already started. (i want to finish it before publishing.) i won't give you much details but if you've ready my story are you nasty and liked it,, you'll also like this series ((;

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