UL - 07

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Next day,

Laksh was tapping his foot impatiently sitting on his desk waiting for ragini's arrival in class. He was still feeling guilty to play that prank on her and wanted to apologize to her. Ragini entered in class and sit on the front seat without giving a glance towards where laksh was sitting.

After the class, Ragini pick her bag and about to leave the classroom when laksh rushed towards her.

"Ragini " called he but she ignore his call and headed towards cafeteria.

Laksh follow her to the cafeteria and find her at the counter. He santured in her direction and place his hand on her shoulder.

"Ragini, I am so s........." his sentence left in the middle because ragini poured whole ketchup bottle on his head.

She smirk evilly looking on the floor and left to her table. Laksh,who was about to retreat back, took his next step towards her but landed on the floor right on his bum escaping a loud shriek from his mouth. Everyone present in the cafeteria laugh looking at laksh and ragini smile smugly remembering how she broke eggs on floor for him. She took a sip of her orange juice and came to him and bend on her knees.

"O.. Did it hurt..?? " asked she innocently and laksh scowl. Then she turn her smile in a smirk "Next time think before playing any prank with me. I am not the one who is afraid to revert back. And buddy, it's just the beginning " wink she and left from there.

Devakashi were suppressing their laugh looking at laksh who just came from the washroom cleaning himself.

"I went to say her sorry for yesterday and what she did..!!! I thought to call it truce but I think she want to play this game. So here I am.. And let the game begin" fumed laksh.

"What are you planning to do..??" asked sona curiously.

"Why..?? So that you can go and tell your 'new friends' about my plans ..!! Right..!! " said he stressing on the words new friends.

Sona open her mouth to protest but he beat her to it. " From when you meet that sanky boy, you forgot about your lucky boy totally " said he with twisted lips and crossing his arms around his chest.

Sona chuckled and encircled her hand around his shoulder.

"Sanky is just a good friend and you....You are my stupid buddy whom I love the most. So no one can replace you in my life. No one..!! " said she with cheeky smile.

"Sanky.." muttered dev under his breath with a tinge of jealousy.

" You never call anyone except lucky with their nickname. Than why sanskaar..?? " blurted dev with disdan look.

"See..!! That's what I was telling. She loves sanskaar more than me." sona gave a look and he corrected " Okay..! Not more than me but definitely more than you " said laksh pointing to dev.

" I am with you from 2nd standard but you never called me dev and he just met you two days before and you guys are on nickname basis. You really love him more than me..?? " mumbled dev last part slowly.

Laksh chuckled looking at dev and sona hit him on his arm.

"That's because I like your name devvrat more. And why you two dragging him in between. You two are really special for me. As no one can take place of lucky in my heart, like that no one can replace you devvrat " said she with a genuine smile and dev felt a rush of electricity through his body.

Only her words have that effect on him. How he is going to control his emotions when all he wants to embrace her and stop the world at that moment. He shook his head on his impossible thoughts and guilt ridden on his face to think about her like that. He smile weakly at her and left from there. Solak look in his direction confused and shrug their shoulders.

UNAPPROVED LOVE Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora