One rainy day

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With light and cautious steps, the heels on her black ankle boots clacked on the cobblestone pavement. The sound of the rain drops hitting off the umbrella made an unrhythmic pitter-patter sound. Thick grey clouds hovered above the city, like a canopy of trees, shielding out the bright rays of the sun.

People sprinted for shelter and umbrellas were hastily opened as beads of water came mercilessly falling down from the sky. Hera inhaled the cool autumn breeze as a clean smell of her surroundings filled her nostrils.

With a hand on the strap of her shoulder bag and the other clasping onto the handle of the umbrella, she ambled her way down the foot path, trying to make it to her desired destination.

Closing her umbrella she shook it in an attempt to remove most of the water and left it alone to dry. She took a seat in the sheltered wooden bench and slipped out a pen and spiral notebook from her bag.

This was her usual spot in the public park she would come to whenever it rained. For some people, rain can be troublesome, the mud, traffic jams and the glum weather. She liked it though, especially the sound of the rain and the way it relaxed her mind and body, like the rain is cleaning her.

That's why she would come here, not only to hear the gentle beat of the rain against surfaces, but to be alone. But this time she found out that she had some company. More than an arms reach away, sat a boy around her age, hands in his dark disheveled hair with his eyes glued on the book he was reading.

The afternoon air brushed his bangs away from his face, letting her get a better look at him. Hera would admit, he was a handsome young man with slightly tanned smooth skin and prominent features.

She sneezed behind her arm, snapping him out of his intense concentration.

"Bless you." She heard him say lowly and he smiled at her for a second before returning his attention on the book in front of him again. She blushed, her cheeks and nose painted a soft and subtle shade of pink.

"Thank you," she said above a whisper and gave him a curt nod.

She opened an empty page in her notebook, clutching the pen between her thumb and finger. Usually, she would draw things around, like the trees and flowers or the lake in front, but she decided to draw the stranger sitting across from her.

She kept taking quick glances at him to lightly sketch out the shape of his figure and pose, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Agghh! I don't understand," he exclaimed out of frustration, gripping his hair. He leaned back as he shut the book roughly.

She eyed him with interest. Hera wondered if she should say something, but curiosity got the best of her.

"Are you okay?"

He peeled one eye open to look at her and sighed.
"Not really. I have a test today and I didn't get a chance to study," he said.
He looked at his watch and got up from his seat to start packing up. "I'm so screwed," he muttered under his breath.

"Good luck."

She could sympathize with him for she has been in the same situation at some point in her 19 years of living.

"Thanks, I really need it," he managed to chuckle despite how stressed he was feeling. He swung the backpack over one of his shoulders and pulled his hood over his head, preparing himself for the rain.

"My name is Baekhyun, by the way." He turned around, giving her a genuine and friendly toothy grin, his eyes turning into small slits on his face.

"I'm Hera," she responded.
She smiled, just a little smile at first, but as it gradually grew it pressed her rosy cheek upwards, revealing pearly white teeth, when he turned around to wave goodbye.

Now, they would always go there in the same exact location, hoping to see each other there whenever it rained.

And that was the story of how they met.



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In this story Baekhyun and Hera are 2 years apart. I don't think it really matters but awell

I told myself I wouldn't post this story until I finished my other one, but I was incapable of doing so. *sigh* it's going to be a short story, anyways.

I had a dream about these two last night and it inspired me to write this story so here ya go!!

Hope you enjoyed reading, thank you!!

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