See you again

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"Who's this cute stranger and why is he here," Wendy whispers into her ear with a mischievous smirk and nudges Hera with her elbow teasingly. Hera then shoots her an unamused, lopsided smile. "I will tell you later," Hera whispers back to her.


"Ok, fine," Wendy answers back, pursing her lips. "Well, if you need me, I'll just be in the kitchen baking cookies." She mentions.

"Okay, you go do that." Hera says back sarcastically. Wendy takes a few steps backwards, the same mischievous smirk plastered on her face.

"What's with that smile?" Hera raised a suspicious eyebrow at her with a nervous chuckle.

"Nothing." Wendy smiles "Just go on and tend to your guest. You can't leave him waiting," she responds as she pats Hera's shoulder, signalling her to go to the living room. Wendy waves farewell with a simple open and close of her hand as she saunters off back into the kitchen.

They had already shared a fair amount of conversations beforehand, but Hera doesn't know why she feels oddly nervous stepping into the living room. Hera wasn't really ready to face him yet, she wasn't prepared. Hera didn't expect to encounter him today, not like that at least.

It just seems as if fate keeps bringing them back to each other.

On one rainy day, they met for the first time underneath a sheltered, wooden bench. Then, whenever it rained they would always go to same place, hoping to see each other. But as the rainy season came to an end, their brief meetings also came to an end.

Yet fate found another way for them to see one another again.


Baekhyun was exhausted. The amount of all nighters he managed to pull, just to cram in homework, preparing for presentations and studying last minute, was unbelievable.

He was up early and it was a weekend. Thankfully for him, this meant there were no classes at all. He could've used his precious time sleeping, which would have been a wiser choice, but instead here he was, walking down the street to his favourite cafe. The sun was blazing and the breeze was refreshing.

He told himself that he should at least be a little bit more productive for the last few months of university till summer break. He also promised himself not to finish things last minute and Baekhyun stayed true to that promise. Baekhyun decided that he was going to finalise his essay earlier rather than later, so after he could sleep for as long as he desired without having to worry about it. Firstly, he needed some coffee real quick.

Once he ambled into the cafe, the fragrant smell of coffee was enough to make him feel energised already. Baekhyun queued in line, patiently waiting for his turn. He was so immersed in his own world, carefully inspecting the beautifully decorated menu and contemplating what to order, that he didn't notice the barista trying to gain his attention.

"Sorry, excuse me?" She called out and even waved a hand in front of him.

He snapped out of his daze and blinked owlishly, as he thought he had heard a very, very familiar voice, one that he hadn't heard in a while.

Fate   «BaekHera» Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin