iv ☾ meditation tips

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get comfy ~ but not enough to sleep
for maximum comfort, lie either flat on your back, sit in a chair or curl in ton the foetal position.

use music ~ the kind without words
yes, play meditation music. the kind without lyrics. the calmer the music is, the better. or nature sounds if you prefer.

have time for it ~ quietest possible
set aside a time for meditating when you know you won't be disturbed. do your meditation in the quietest place possible so you can get the best experience out of it

empty your mind ~ it helps a lot
when meditating, focus on the music and empty your mind to let your subconscious take over. it also ensures you're not influencing anything you're seeing.

use count breathing ~ good for wandering minds
use methods to slow down your breath such as the five-seven-eight method: inhale for five, hold for seven, exhale for eight, repeat. as long as your exhale is longer than your inhale.

progressive relaxing ~ to really let loose
to really help yourself let go, progressive relaxation is amazing. imagine there are little streams of tension in your body, and relax your toes while imagining those streams flowing out, then your ankles, then your feet, then your calves, knees, thighs, pelvis, lower back, stomach, higher back, each shoulder, all the way down each arm, your hands and fingers, your neck, your jaw, your cheeks, your mouth and your eyes.

persevere ~ just keep swimming
don't get frustrated or upset if you don't get anything - you just may not be a therian, or you can keep trying if you really think something is there. don't give up, and don't be beaten down too easily.

keep a journal ~ if you want to
it can be helpful to keep a therian journal and write in it after you meditate to make sure you have the best chance of remembering everything. or publish it on wattpad, though that part is clearly optional.

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