v ☾ all about shifts

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phantom shifts
a phantom shift, or p-shift, is the feeling of a phantom animal body part such as a tail, paws, ears or wings. this is the most common type of shift.

mental shifts
a mental shift, or m-shift, is when you slip into the mindset of your theriotype and may make animalistic noises such as howling or purring, movements such as pouncing or crawling on all fours, or actions such as eating raw meat. therians that frequently have these shifts have to learn to keep them under control as they can become obtrusive in your daily life.

cameo shifts
a cameo shift is when one experiences a shift not from their theriotype. these can happen once or many times, and are often mistaken as being a second theriotype when they are not. cameo shifts are generally limited to mental shifts or phantom shifts, and do not appear in meditation.

astral shifts
an astral shift occurs most often during sleep or when a therian enters a spiritual trance, travels out of body to the astral plane (spirit world), and shifts their astral body to the ‘form’ of an animal. these are incredibly rare.

physical shifts
are complete and utter bullshit. they're impossible.

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