Chapter 3

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It was just a couple days later when Timon healed the two meerkats known as Trina and Mitchum who were still unconscious in the lions den Timon wouldn't move an inch except to go to the bathroom or get water from the watering hole or have Pumbaa get grubs for food so he and his pal an food together in the den.

As Timon sat there looking at the amulets around Trina's neck he cock his head raising his eyebrow in curiosity when he remember when he first saw them glowing.


"GAH!" He yelped as he turned to see his mother, Uncle Max, Stumpy and Simba standing worried for him "gee, Ma scared me to death, oy." Timon put his paw on his chest breathing hardly.

"Sorry son but we have something to tell you."

A few minutes later.


The screamed scared some birds as they flew away squawking in fear as some animals poked their head up but shrugged as they continued to do their own things. 

"Are ya telling me that I have my Dad's powers?!" Timon grabbed Stumpy's chest fur shaking him.

"Yes! Now stop shaking me so we can tell you the story!"

"Did ya know?" Timon asked Simba. "No." He shook his head "in much shock as you are right now I've heard stories of your father from my Dad but I never heard about his powers."

Timon shoulders slumped as he fell back on his back but his mother caught him before he could he looked up at her he noticed her green eyes were sad.

"Timmy, please understand we wanted to tell you when you left to fine a home for us but we never got a chance too because you already left." Ms. Nina said to her son as she help him to his feet.

"Okay." He bridge his nose "tell me the story."

"Well one day your father came to an amulet that was round about this big like the girl's size." Stumpy pointed towards Trina's amulet as he continued the story while Simba sat down next to Timon "in the middle was a rhino since they might be the strongest animals of all the Pridelands, one day your father's body was glowing he sense that someone was in trouble he quickly went out of he tunnels there he met your mother." Stumpy smirked making Ms. Nina blushed a bit as she smacked his head making him yelped a bit as Timon groaned in embraced while Simba chuckled quietly.

"When your mother was in trouble by a hyena she was down your father was wearing the amulet around his neck but without realizing it he ran towards the hyena he pick it up without trouble at all and POW!" Timon and Simba jumped a little when he said it a little loud "the hyena was outta there!" Stumpy grinned crossing his arms a crossed his chest.

"How come ya never told me this story Ma?" Timon asked "is that how ya and Pop met?"

"Yes actually after your father saved me he helped me back into the tunnels and that's when I met Max, Stumpy and Flunchy and all the other meerkats of our colony. And the rest is history." Ms. Nina smiled.

"B-But how did you two fall in love-."

"That is another time looks like our friend is waking up." Ms. Nina said as Timon looked to see that it was true he turned around to see that Trina has finally awaken.

"Uh Simba maybe it's a good idea to-."

"No worries." His lion friend winked with a smile as he walked out of the den Timon smiled back as Trina's eyes open as everything was a blur at first when she saw three meerkats surrounding her she gasped.

"Whoa, easy your okay it's just us we won't hurt ya." Timon told her gently as she trembled she suddenly hugged him startling him a bit as she sobbed a bit.

Lion King: Timon's story Where stories live. Discover now