04 | Chlamydia

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All anybody could talk about was the upcoming choosing. According to Dumbledore, the Goblet of Fire was going to spit out the names of its chosen participants. Nia honestly didn't care. Of course, she thought the whole shebang was exciting, but she just wanted to watch the trials. She could care less about the other formalities.

And though she loved a story with some juicy details, this was getting pathetic. Every single person in the school was gushing over the tournament. She couldn't escape it. Even as she sat in her room desperately trying to perfect her astronomy homework, her dorm mates wouldn't stop talking about it.

"I hope Cedric gets chosen, he's so cute"

"NO! Alma Valderez should get in, she deserves it."

"I just want everyone to have a good time, ya know?"

She was going to pull her hair out. All she wanted was to get away from the blasted tournament, and apparently that wasn't going to happen. So instead of rolling her eyes every four minutes, Nia opted to leave the room. She gathered all her papers and quills, and left for the kitchens. When she arrived, to no surprise to her, Justin sat in a chair directly across from Cammie Henderson...great.

When he saw her come in, he perked up and waved. Nia however, looked him dead in the eyes and subtly removed her hearing aid. This was their secret code for, 'I want to tell you something, but I also don't want anyone else to know.' She winced and then cautiously and carefully began signing. "Did you hear about what happened to Cammie?"

Justin whipped his head to face the girl in front of him before looking back at Nia. "What happened to Cammie?"

She began to slowly sign, her face having a mask carefulness, she knew how he could get. "She gave Jeremy Miller and Austin Howards chlamydia."

Justin stopped moving for a long while. When he finally started back up again, he moved slowly. "What the hell is chlamydia?"

"It's a muggle infection that causes some serious stuff on your junk."

She shouldn't have laughed, but his reaction was hilarious. "Umm, is everything okay?" Both Hufflepuff students turned towards Cammie. The girl sat smiling brightly, unaware of the conversation that just took place.

She could see Justin's lips move as he talked. "Yeah, everything's fine, she's just looking for her cousin."

He turned back around to face Nia, and his ands moved as fast as ever. "How did you even find out about this?"

"How wouldn't I find out? Jeremy's older sister came to me to buy some stuff off me and she told me. Plus, it's all any of the Muggleborns could talk about for weeks. And schools only just started so..."

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