06 | Bad Luck

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As Nia walked down to the lake it was only then did she realize the true definition of a bad decision. She had on a long-sleeved belly shirt, and a pair of comfy jeans. She should have known this was going to happen. Every time the girl tried to dress cute, it always backfired. In second year she tried out a blue eyeshadow to impress her crush, and smudged it so bad she gave herself an eye infection. During the summer, when her neighbor asked her on a date, she wore the cutest dress...the cutest dress that ripped all the way down the side when they sat down to eat. At Easter dinner last year, she wore her first pair of heels and gave herself a concussion falling down the stairs. Nia had bad luck when it came to dress up.

This time, it was the cold that hit her. It wasn't even totally her fault this time, at least not for the most part. It had been relatively warm the past week, and then all of a sudden people were decked out in sweaters, jackets, and fluffy socks. But it was worth it, as cold as she was she looked great.

As she turned around the corner of a tree, Neville came into view. He was leaning up against a tree with a book in his hands and two pairs of water trousers at his feet. Nia cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted to get his attention.

When he turned around, Neville's mouth upturned into a wide grin, and he waved wildly at Nia. When she reached the boy, Nia decided to be bold. She came at him with wide open arms, and wrapped her arms tightly around his middle in a tight hug. It took a minute before he returned the hug, but when he did it made her so warm that she had half a mind to not let go. Nia finally let go of the boy when she heard a throat clear.

She pulled away from a very red-faced Neville to see Harry Potter smiling as awkwardly as could be. He jutted his hand towards her and shifted from foot to foot. "I'm Harry, it's nice to meet you I've heard loads about you."

Nia looked to Neville and cocked her head to the side as if to question why he was here before she put her hand into his and brought a tight lip smile to her face. "Yeah, I've heard a lot about you too."

Nia shoved her hands into her pockets, partially because her hands were cold and partially because she didn't know what else to do. The three of them stood there and stared at each other for what felt like forever until Harry clapped his hands together and said, "Well I'll just leave you guys to it, I'm gonna go sit-over-yeah, bye."

As he left Nia looked back over to Neville and smiled brightly. "He asked if he could tag along I didn't think it would be a problem."

Nia shook her head gently. She could tell the he thought she was mad, but in all honesty, she just didn't know how she felt about the Potter boy. Nia felt like she should have liked the boy, but she couldn't. She got bad vibes from him, vibes that made want to run in the opposite direction. Maybe it was all the rumor's that had spread around about him, maybe it was something else. Nia didn't know. She turned back around to Neville and wrapped her arms tightly around her body shivering slightly.

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