08 | Charbroiled Oysters

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It was a stiff walk back to the castle. Nia had to take three breaks just to catch her breath, and she knew her legs were going to burn in the morning. But, despite all the work she had to do to walk back to Hogwarts, she had a sweet boy by the name of Neville Longbottom helping her on the way back up. 

They had their arms interlocked and they were practically skipping up the hill. In their walk back from the first task, Neville hadn't stopped rambling about the 'coolest thing he'd ever seen'.

Anybody a quidditch pitch away could tell that Neville was still amped up from the adrenaline rush that almost everyone had experienced when they thought that Harry Potter was going to die.

"Oh, Nia, when that Horntail flew right above us! It was so cool!" He was talking so fast his words were fumbling together and his hands were flying around rampantly. "I mean, didyouevenseehowfastitflewby?"

It was adorable how excited he was. Bouncing and skipping all around and whistling in impressment. 

When she heard him go silent is when she looked up from the ground and glanced at the once hyperactive boy. "Are you ok?" He asked. He was a little bit quieter than he was a second ago like he was sharing a secret with her.

Nia smiled sweetly at Neville's concern and shook her head lightly. "I'm fine, just a little shaken up is all."

"Well, what's got you so shook?" His hands were shoved in his pockets and he somehow managed to rock back and forth on his feet while they walked upwards towards the castle. 

At his question, Nia scoffed, "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that we almost died about an hour ago?!"

"You almost died? What? When!" Neville grabbed Nia by the shoulders and ungracefully pulled her body closer to his. He turned her around every which way and looked her up and down, searching for a source of injury. "Are you alright?"

"What do you mean when?" Nia was visibly shocked. "Maybe when that gigantic, fully grown dragon came through and almost turned us into charbroiled oysters!" How could he have not put that together? 

Neville let go of her shoulders, his shoulders dropping and letting out what sounded like a breath of relief.

He huffed and squinted his eyes at the glaring sun before looking down at Nia again. "Is that really all you were worried about?"

Nia's mind went momentarily blank, and her face went slack. Was he being serious? Why was he so nonchalant about this, he didn't seem fazed in the smallest sense. She raised an eyebrow up at him, "were you not?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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