Chapter 2

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"Louis?" Harry asked into the phone, once the man picked up. "What?!" Louis hissed making Harry jump.

"Uhm we're supposed to meet at the park. W-where are you?" Harry asked, his body shivering. Typical London weather was rain and cold air, which Harry was experiencing at the moment. He'd been waiting for Louis for almost an hour, standing in the cold air and rain. He hugged his arms around himself and was pouting.

"Shit just woke up, be there in a bit." Louis said and Harry wanted to cry. They'd been going along with the stunt for a week now, and Louis still didn't like Harry. He understood that Louis wasn't fond of the stunt or Harry, but this was just cruel.

He sat back down on the wet bench and dialed Liam's number. He can't handle this, he was near tears from being so cold, and Louis treating him like crap.

"Hey Harry, how's it going, you and Lou at the park?" He asked cheerfully and Harry wanted to smile. At last there was some happiness.

"I guess I'm not really ok. Louis hasn't showed up yet. B-but I don't think I-I can go along with the stunt anymore." Harry said slowly and softly, he really didn't want to anger Liam.

"Hold on, I'll be there in a bit we can talk in person." Liam said and Harry's eyes widened. "That's really not necessary, forget it, I'll go along with the stunt." Harry tried, but realized Liam already hung up. He sighed and ran his hands through his curls. Now he's terrified, and sad, and cold.


Louis walked cooly over to the area he was supposed meet Harry, but groaned when seeing Liam beside Harry, an arm wrapped around the boy's shoulders. "Harry, what the hell, you told on me!" Louis said stomping up to them, ignoring Liam's glare. Harry starred at him with wide fearful eyes and he bit his bottom lip.

"I-I'm sorry, L-Liam just came, I am really. I-I just wanna g-go home." Harry pouted when Liam spoke over him.

"Where were you, poor Harry was left in the rain waiting for your ass." Liam scolded as Louis rolled his eyes and glared at Harry.

"Tattle-tale." Louis said and Harry flinched moving closer to Liam, who hugged the boy to his side.

"C-can we please go somewhere warm." Harry begged softly, but huffed when the men continued arguing. He wanted to at least be under a shade from the rain. He hugged himself tighter and pouted looking at the grass. How long will they argue before they let Harry leave.

"Let's get out of here, its fucking freezing." Louis said wrapping his arms around himself. He then glanced over to Harry, and yeah, now he feels guilty for leaving the poor boy in the cold rain. Harry's skin was pale and his cheeks and nose a rosy pink, his eyes were wide and he looked relieved when Louis said that.

"Apologize to Harry first." Liam demanded and Harry has never been so upset. He just wants to go home.

"Ugh, fine I'm sorry Harry! Happy now." Louis said childishly and Harry nodded before spiriting to his car. As soon as he sat down, he turned on the car and the heater. He sighed happily when the warm air engulfed him. He shuttered a bit, considering he was freezing one moment and now is warm.

He screamed when there was a knock on his window, but sighed in relief when seeing Liam. "Sorry, come on Harry you still have to be seen with Louis. At least let me get some pictures." He offered with a warm smile, not bothered by the cold air.

Now Harry really wanted to cry, he was practically forced out of his warm car and placed beside Louis. "Ok now act like an actual couple, first us three are going to take a selfie, then I'll take some for the media." Liam explained before holding his phone up.

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