Chapter 13

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Louis inhaled deeply as he awoke, but didn't move. He felt so warm, so so very warm. Kind of like when his mum used to hold him as a kid. He felt at peace.

Until reality settled in and he had no idea who was holding him. He still refrained from moving, especially when hearing noises. Like someone was rummaging through his house. What even happened last night? He'd probably regain his memory, but first he has to figure out who he's laying on.

Louis quickly sat up when hearing a familiar laugh. His eyes widened when seeing Harry laying still, his eyes shut and his head laying on the side. His curls were slightly covering his face. Louis quickly rolled off of him and stood up, his legs felt like jelly. He wobbled a bit and watched Harry roll over and bundle up under the blanket.

"You both smell, your whole house smells." Louis quickly turned around to see Niall there with his phone out. Louis' head hurt and he was so confused, he also kind of felt like throwing up.

"What's happening?" Louis asked with a groggy voice before he grimaced. His breath smelled bad. He lifted his arm and took a big whiff before gagging.  He smelled really bad.

"I honestly have no idea. I lost Harry so I called him, when he didn't answer I tracked his phone all the way to your house. I was shook." Niall said with a little laugh before continuing. "Then I found you two cuddling and was shook-er, or shooketh."

"Please stop using twitter slang." Louis grumbled before running a hand through his hair. "Who else is here? And how did you get in?"

"Liam and Zayn came with me, they're downstairs." Niall explained as Louis slowly nodded he was still processing everything and attempting to remember everything.

"Ok... I'll be down in a minute, I'll wake him up too." Louis said before Niall nodded and skipped out of the room. Excited to show Liam and Zayn all the pictures he took.

Once Niall was gone, Louis turned back to Harry. He was curled up into a ball with a little pout on his lips. He let out a little sigh before grabbing a corner of the blanket. He pulled on the blanket roughly causing Harry to roll out of it and onto the floor. A loud groan emitted from the boy before he slowly sat up.

"Wake up, princess." Louis teased though it sounded more endearing rather than playful. Harry slowly sat up and Louis couldn't help but smile when seeing how his curls stuck up in different places. His hair was growing fast, there were a lot more curls poking out now.

"Louis?" Harry asked his eyes hardly open. Louis let out a chuckle and sat down to look at Harry. "What?" He asked before rubbing his eyes.

"I'm gonna shower, did you want to as well?" Louis asked and grimaced when Harry let out a yawn. He nodded and slowly climbed back onto the bed.

Louis was just smiling, Harry looked like a baby. "Come on, I'll lend you some clothes." Louis said and reached forward to take Harry's hand. He ignored Harry's confused face and dragged him over to the bathroom connected to his room. Why was he letting Harry use his bathroom and not the public one? He has no idea. "Use whatever you need, let me find you some clothes."

"Louis, you're kind of smaller than me in every way." Harry said with flushed cheeks. Louis glared at Harry before stomping away. The boy frowned and bit his lip. Great, now Louis is mad at him.

Harry stood there, unsure of what to do, until Louis stomped back with some clothes in his hands. His face still held a glare as he handed the clothes off to Harry.

"They'll fit you, giant." Louis teased before walking out of the bathroom and shutting the door. Harry bit his lip and felt a smile growing. He put the clothes down and started the shower.

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