Chapter 6

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"Thanks again for allowing me to make the single cover." Harry said with a grateful smile as he looked over he photos he already had.

"No problem, I know no better photographer anyways." Zayn said with a smirk that had Niall and Harry blushing. Zayn was beautiful, and that smirk was heavenly.

"I'm so excited, best collab ever!" Niall said and rose his hand for high five. Zayn chuckled before high-fiving him.

Harry smiled at his best friend before setting his camera up again. "Ooh what if we did one dramatic one." Niall said moving from his seat to stand behind Zayn. He pressed their faces together and held a straight face. Zayn and Harry burst into giggles as the shots were captured.

"I think we should post these online as teasers, then post the real one when the song comes out." Zayn suggested which Harry agreed to.

"Ok, I'll edit these then send them to you guys." Harry said as he packed up his things.

"Aww that's it, no more photo shoot?" Niall pouted.

"Lets go get some food, yeah?" Zayn suggested making Niall easily brighten up. "Niall, go get the car, I'll help Harry." Niall was quick to run out the door making the other two laugh.

"Thanks." Harry said as he and Zayn walked out of the building. Zayn carrying his stand and leading him over to a back car Niall was sitting in. They put Harry's stuff in the trunk before walking to the front of the car. Niall got moved to the back so Harry and Zayn could sit in the front.

"Not fair." Niall pouted but smiled when Zayn put on some of his favorite music. "That's why I love you." Niall said before kissing Zayn's cheek.

"Liam's gonna meet us at the restaurant." Zayn said and frowned when noticing Harry's pout. "I'm pretty sure Louis won't come." He reassured but Harry only sighed.

"Just say the word Haz, and he'll be swimming with the fishes, if you catch my drift." Harry let out a little laugh and turned to smile at Niall.

"Not yet."

The three arrived at the restaurant and could see Liam already sitting at a table and on his phone. Harry felt some sense of hope when just seeing Liam. However, it all disappeared when they entered the restaurant and Louis walked out of the bathroom.

"Hi Liam, Louis." Niall said with a smile and bitterly saying Louis' name. Louis gave Niall an obviously fake smile.

Liam pecked Zayn's lips just as he took a seat beside his husband. Harry sat between Louis and Niall fiddling with his fingers awkwardly.

"What were you guys up to?" Louis asked which shocked Harry. Louis hardly ever talks when Harry's around.

"Just getting some cover photos for the single." Niall explained as Louis nodded slowly. "And I must say, they turned out pretty great. Look." Niall reached over Harry and pulled out Harry's camera to show Louis.

"How'd you get my camera?" Harry asked but Niall only smiled innocently as he showed the pictures to Louis.

Louis burst out laughing when seeing the last photo of Niall and Zayn. He grabbed the camera and showed it to Liam. "True art, Harry." Louis joked before handing the camera to Harry. Harry kept a confused face, unsure of how to take that. Was Louis joking because the photo was funny, or was he making fun of Harry's skills.

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