Chapter 10

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"I know, he initiated everything. Don't worry. Yes, of course, I love you , El. Please don't forget that this is all fake." Louis said into the phone. Just a couple of minutes after Harry kissed Louis, the photos went viral. Then there were rumors that they went to the bathroom to have sex. And they had some solid proof backing them up, Louis must admit, even though he knew it wasn't true.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, it's just stressing me out a bit you know. Being with you, but not being with you." Eleanor explained and Louis felt a lump form in his throat. He knew where this was heading. "I think it'd just be easier if we broke up. We can get back together when this is all over. I just can't handle all of this."

Louis frowned and let out a deep sigh. A part of him wanted to disagree and fight for her. However, a bigger part of him understood where she was coming from.

"Yeah, I-I get it, it's alright. I love you, El, and hopefully this will be all over soon." Louis said with a soft sigh.

"Hopefully." Eleanor mumbled sadly before hanging up.

Louis groaned and flopped onto his bed, Charlie running in instantly and laying on top of him. Nearly engulfing the small man. Louis chuckled softly shifted a bit so he was cuddling with the big dog. "You're all I got, Charles." Louis said and let out a little giggle when the dog howled.

Louis doesn't know how long he laid there just thinking, until he heard rustling at his front door. The house was silent and the rustling was pretty freaking loud, considering he could hear it in his bedroom. Charlie got up and ran to the door, Louis following behind him.

"Yes?" Louis asked quickly opening the door. Harry stood there scowling at a bush, before turning to Louis with pink cheeks.

"Hi, sorry, Liam sent me here. I-I know things are still awkward from me screwing up, and I'm still really sorry about that. I didn't mean to do that. It's just, you were being really nice, I don't know it just happened. I'm super sorry." Harry soon began to ramble until a cough came from the bush.

Louis examined the bush and rolled his eyes when seeing some blond hair. "I can see you, Niall."

"Obviously I know that. But Harry didn't want to come without me, and Liam said I could only come if I hid." Niall explained. Louis let out a sigh while rubbing his temples before letting Harry walk in and Niall follow behind.

"Ohh I missed you so much." Niall squealed as Charlie jumped around him excitedly. "We're gonna go to the back." Niall said before he ran to the back door. Louis had a nice backyard, nothing too fancy. Perfect for small parties and hanging out. And for Niall to easily hide from paparazzi as he played fetch with the poodle.

Harry sat awkwardly on the couch, Louis on the opposite side of it, paying attention to the tv. The air was thick and Harry was tense and obviously very uncomfortable. They were making progress, now it's all gone. Louis had to be the one to mend it all.

"Harry." Harry jumped at the sudden sound and turned to him. "Let's just forget anything happened, yeah. Look we can play fifa or something." Louis suggested picking up an Xbox controller that was on the coffee table.

"I-I've never really played video games." Harry admitted sheepishly.

"Are you serious!? How?" Harry let out a little giggle at Louis' reaction. "Well now it's my job to teach you. I'm disappointed Niall hasn't." Louis sat in front of his tv and set up his xbox and looking through all of his games. "We can go with some easy games, I have Minecraft for my sisters, or we can try Rocket League. They're ok games for someone who has never played video games."

"Well my niece plays Minecraft, I can start with that." Harry said smiling at Louis' excitement. Louis gave him a thumbs up as he put the disk in. He set up the game before sitting beside Harry. He showed Harry all of the controls and different actions, before starting the game.

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