Log 2

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xxSexyPiratexx: Emma.

xxSwanPrincessxx: what is it? I'm kinda busy at the station right now. So, make it quick.

xxSexyPiratexx: alright, I'll say this in a couple of words then.

xxSwanPrincessxx: what is it?

xxSexyPiratexx: you, me, dinner, granny's, tonight at 8.

xxSwanPrincessxx: are you asking me or telling me?

xxSexyPiratexx: consider it your invitation from yours truly, love. (;

xxSwanPrincessxx: you're not gonna give up until you're in my arms aren't you?

xxSexyPiratexx: until you're in my arms, til I'm in your pants. (;

xxSwanPrincessxx: you're so dead....

xxSexyPiratexx: come on, Swan. Just confess your undying love for me.

xxSwanPrincessxx: have fun with your dinner tonight. Oh, and your hand.

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