Log 15

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xxSexyPiratexx: dude, your mom got so wasted last night.

xxSwanPrincessxx: dude, come on, she wasn't that drunk.

xxWhitePrincessxx: yeah, i wasn't that drunk...

xxEvilRegalxx: you walked around town with Pongo and the other dogs.

xxWhitePrincessxx: so?

xxQueenofHeartsxx: you then announced that you needed to sing the song of your people.

xxWhitePrincessxx: well, dogs are people too...

xxCharmingPrincexx: sweetie, you started howling and singing 'Why Should I Worry?' From Oliver and Company.

xxWhitePrincessxx: was it any good?

xxTheSwanQueensSonxx: no...


A/N: I felt like I had to do this, the song has been stuck in my head and I just needed to let it out. So; the next log will be quotes and lyrics of Disney stuff.

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