Food Log

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xxSexyPiratexx: Emma, I'm hungry.

xxSwanPrincessxx: then go eat something.

xxSexyPiratexx: but I don't wanna get off the Jolly Roger.

xxSwanPrincessxx: not my problem, then.

xxSexyPiratexx: Swan, can you come feed me??

xxSwanPrincessxx: Killian... No.

xxSexyPiratexx: plllleeeeeeaaaasssssseeeeeee!!!!

xxSwanPrincessxx: no.

xxSexyPiratexx: I'll go to Granny's then...

xxSwanPrincessxx: have fun, Killian.

xxSexyPiratexx: Henry.

TheTruestBeliever: who is this??

xxSexyPiratexx: this is Hook.

TheTruestBeliever: oh, whats up?

xxSexyPiratexx: can you bring me food??

TheTruestBeliever: you know, there are these amazing things called legs. You can actually use them to get food.

xxSexyPiratexx:..... Smartass. You sound like your mum.

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