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Long time, no see. 

"Good morning baby." Josh smiled sweetly at his daughter as he picked her up from her crib. She rubbed her eyes and sucked on her pacifier. 

"Morning dada." She spoke around the plastic. "Where Tyer?" 

Josh shook his head and placed his daughter on the couch with her blanket and sippy cup. "I don't know sweetheart. He's probably still asleep. It's best not to wake him." The older man booped his daughter's nose and headed to the bathroom, figuring Ruby would be fine on her own for a little while. 

Just outside the bathroom door, Josh could hear a strange sound coming from the bedroom straight across. It was Tyler's bedroom and he was silently crying. Growing worried and confused, Josh turned around and lightly knocked on the wood. 

"Tyler?" The crying ceased on the other side and no reply came. "Tyler, are you alright?" There was a moment of hesitation before an answer finally came. 

"Y-Yeah. I'm okay Josh. Thanks." 

Josh shook his head and turned the nob that happened to be unlocked. "I'm coming in." He found the younger man sitting on his bed, up against the wall. His knees were pressed against his chest and his head was buried in between them. 

Upon hearing his bedroom door open, Tyler raised his gaze to Josh, who had a look of confusion and concern. "Tyler?" Even his voice laced with concern for his friend. 

"I...I..." Tyler sniffed and whimpered. Josh sighed, walking further into the room and closing the door behind him. "I want to go home, Josh." The boy whispered, almost incoherent. 

It hurt Joshua's heart. He wanted to help Tyler in any way he could, be it was an impossible task if Tyler could not remember. "Tyler.....I want to help, but-"

"I remember her name." Tyler sniffed and scooted over as Josh sat on the mattress. "My mom. Her name is Kelly. Kelly Joseph." 

Josh hated to see Tyler like this. It was no right for someone like this to go through so much. But suddenly, Josh's mind clicked, almost as if a small light bulb lit up above his head. "We can look her up." Tyler ceased himself to listen to the older man. "We can look in phone books, the internet, anywhere." Josh was smiling as he thought of solutions. 

Tyler looked up at the man, his face growing stiff. Why had he not thought of this earlier? Maybe he had more important things to worry about, such as where he was going to sleep that night or where his next meal was going to come from. But it's alright because here Tyler is now, with Josh and he was going to help him. 

"R-really?" Tyler beamed. 

Josh nodded. We can literally go any gas station and purchase a phone book and look her up. There is still a chance that she isn't in there though. A lot of people, including me, pay to keep their name out of a phone book and then we can always-" 

Josh didn't even get to finish his thought before Tyler was wrapping himself around Josh's neck and crushing his spine. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Josh chuckled and hugged Tyler back with just as much force. "Of course. You saved my daughter. I owe you the world." Josh meant that. If he could literally take the world in his hand and give it to Tyler, he would. Right away. 


"What is her name again?" Josh opened the thick book of numbers that was sprawled across the metal table before him. Tyler hummed, sipping away at his hot chocolate and looked down at the book. 

Josh bought the book just as he promised. Now they were stationed at a local Cafe, about to find his mother. 

"Um, my mom? Her name is Kelly Joseph." Tyler sat up straight, trying to get a better look at Josh flipped through the yellow pages. It was a huge book, probably big enough to cause some damage to someone if you tried. 

"Kelly Joseph, Kelly Joseph-" Josh muttered to himself as his index finger skimmed each and every page, searching for their treasure. Just one name. "Kelly Joseph!" Josh cheered, gaining the wondering eyes of a couple other customers. "I found her." Tyler leaned over to get a better look. "That's weird." Josh's eyebrows raised as he read on. 

"What?" Tyler wondered, trying to locate what Josh's was reading. "What is it?" 

Josh shook his head, making eye contact with the younger man. "It say's she lives in Utah." Tyler's brows furrowed. "But this book is a bit outdated, so it could be wrong." This gave them bother a bit more hope. "But our best bet right now is getting in contact with her right now." 

Tyler nodded as Josh handed over his phone. "Wait, you want me to do it?" Tyler looked down at the phone as if he had never seen one before. 

"Well, yeah. You are in fact her son." 

Tyler nodded, taking the cell out of the bigger hands and dialing the numbers as Josh read them out loud. He hand was shaking as he gazed down at the call button. "What if she doesn't remember me?" Tyler panicked. "W-what if she doesn't want me? What-what if-" 

"Tyler." Josh placed his own hand over the other's, trying to calm his nerves. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to." 

The fluffy brunette shook his head. "No. I have to do this." So, reluctantly, Tyler pressed the call button and waiting as the line went through. Seconds felt like hours as it rung, waiting for any other sound. Anything but-


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