Chapter 1 - Another DiLaurentis/Hasting's Family Secret

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Chapter synopsis: in this chapter, this is my version of why Charlotte became A and her obsession with her family including Spencer who she has recently found out about thanks to a file left anonymously in her cell at Welby
WARNING this was an original idea then I decided to put a PLL twist on it, this is still little more than rough draft and a work in progress. I worked on it every time inspiration hit, after I decided to put a Jaria/PLL I literally just changed names and physical descriptions  in many places. As of right now I am reworking and correcting some parts and if your wondering why I chose Saint Louis as a setting...I'm from there and where my main character lived, I changed her to Aria and my hero to Jason, kept a lot of my original supporting cast, reworked some for Rosewood characters and added some in mainly Emily, Hanna, Cece, A and a few others anyway the following is the results of the original/fanfic hybrid up to a certain point then it becomes pure fanfiction.

~~~~~ 🥀 Chapter 1 - Another DiLaurentis/Hasting's Family Secret 🥀 ~~~~

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Jason and Alison DiLaurentis arrived at Welby Mental Hospital for the criminally insan to visit their sister Charlotte. Jason had been five years old when his brother, Charlie, was taken away, thereafter when he would bring up his brother's name his parents would tell him that Charlie was a figment of his imagination. They would tell him that he was a big boy now and much too old for imaginary friends and that this brother,never existed. Ironically, he never really had. He had missed Charlie when he first disappeared, but eventually his parents convinced him he'd made him up and he moved on. Once he started school and became close to Ian and Garret who would remain his best friends throughout school. He eventually forgot about Charlie until Charlotte became A and took over the game and began leaving reminders. Jason didn't have many memories of his brother but, looking back on those that Jason did have of him, Charles had always been Charlotte.

He still didn't completely understand why Charlotte had done most of the things she had when she came back into his life... like dating him for example. If she would have told him the truth from the beginning it could have saved some of the heartache that keeping the secret had ultimately causes. Instead she chose to play the part of the high maintenance, scheming girlfriend and he grew to despise her. It still made Jason nauseous knowing that he made out with his sister and was grateful that she had stopped in at that; although, at the time in his ignorance of who Cece Drake really was, he had not been happy about it.

Even after explaining her actions he still didn't understand but decided to let it go and forgive her. Letting go of the past, had healed his relationship with her and Alison. And even if he didn't fully understand things she had done, he was now able to see his sister for who she had always been. It was sad Ken hadn't been able to except her for who she was, things could have been better his sister, him, the whole family. Charlotte wouldn't have been taken away at seven to grow up in an insane asylum without her family without the love and support she needed.


Charlotte DiLaurentis was nervously pacing the day room when she was told her family arrived calming down for the first time since waking up. She was always anxious on visitation days until Alison, if he was home, JasonOften, and if she was in Rosewood Spencer would often come along as well. After her arrest the first doctor assigned to her case helped her realize that she had become obsessed with Ali and Jason. She hadn't wanted to share them with anyone, not even Jason's half-sister Spencer. She still dealt with that obsession.

A bright smile graced her lips, when she was led into the visitation room and seen Jason and Alison, but her smile dimmed some when she noticed that Spencer was not with them. Charlotte had a secret and now she was fighting becoming obsessed with Spencer also. A file had found its way into her room a couple months earlier and after reading the contents her attachment to Spencer grew. Because of the file, she knew that Spencer was her sister. So far, she kept this to herself, she hadn't even told Elliot, her main doctor and the man she loved.

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