Chapter 8 - Another Sleepless Night

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Chapter Synopsis: Mostly cheesy fluff between Aria and AJ

                                     ~~~🥀Chapter 8 – Another Sleepless Night 🥀~~~
🥀 Friday, September 16, 2016
Between trying to figure out what she was going to say to the parole board about Charlotte and what she was going to do about Jason and AJ she had a lot to think about. After what had happened between them after lunch her body was burning, literally aching for his touch. God, she craved him, she hadn't been this hot in years.

When she closed her eyes, she could see his beautiful face, and she could hear his voice asking her to stay with him. It had felt too good to be so close to him again, to be held in his arms again and smell the scent that was that particularly Jason, to taste him again. Trying to get to sleep at a decent time was impossible, if she weren't in her parent's guest room she would try to relieve at least one of those problems.

Instead she tossed and turned until finally she succumbed to sheer exhaustion from being up so late with AJ the night before and the long day she had. She only had a couple hours of troubled sleep and frustrated dreams when AJ came bounding into the guest room where Aria was sleeping to wake his mother, he was sleeping in Mike's room since his uncle was living in the frat house.

Aria heard him before he even bounded on the bed, but she pretended to remain asleep prolonging his game. Beside what mother could pass up being woke up with butterfly kisses given by her beloved child. Once he had covered her face with kisses she opened her eyes pretending to have just woken. "Did I surprise you Mommy?" AJ giggled green eyes dancing into tender hazel eyes.

"Yes, you did, it's not every day the sleeping princess gets awakened by kisses from Prince Charming."

"You're not a princess, your Mommy. " He told her seriously.

"You're right I am Mommy." and with that she grabbed him kissing him all over his face until he was shrieking with laughter only to roll him over and tickle him ferociously until he breathlessly begged her to stop which she did immediately. He put his little arms around her neck pulling himself into his mother's arms to lay against her shoulder.

Ella, who had been standing in the doorway of the bedroom the whole time was smiling at the display of deep affection between the mother and son. Suddenly AJ pulled back some, his small hands pulling Aria's hair back from her neck looking concerned. "Mommy you got a boo boo." he said as he touched the bruise on Arias neck. Aria quickly tried to hide it from her mother's prying eyes, but too late, Ella seen what she was sure was a hickey.

She had forgotten about the mark Jason had left behind yesterday. He had never been particularly bad about giving hickeys, but occasionally he would. Luckily it hadn't been noticed by AJ or her parents yesterday, before she had gone out she had noticed it and had covered it with makeup, but that had all been washed off before going to bed.

"Oh, I burned myself with my curling iron when I was getting ready to go out with Maggie and Ezra last night." She said the first thing that came to mind, she rarely used a curling iron, but her son didn't know that.

"You want me to put medcines on it and make it better Mommy?" AJ couldn't quiet say medicine yet. Ella cleared her throat arching her eyebrow at her daughter questioningly a sly smile splitting her face and Aria blushed, which only made Ella curious about that little talk Aria and Jason had.

"Umm no, I think it'll be okay." she said hugging him close breathing in his scent that was still slightly babyish. Before catching her mom's, eyes and seeing her small smirk, she knew Ella had not even remotely believed she had burned herself

"How about some ice for that boo boo." Ella said sweetly a remedy for both hickeys and burns.

"I think its ok Mom." Aria said blushing a deep red, God this was so embarrassing, her mom walked out of the room laughing calling back that she and AJ had breakfast ready before waking her ex-husband.

The morning passed by quickly and soon it was time for Aria to get ready to leave for Charlottes parole hearing.


Notes: I really hope you liked the AJ and Aria scene, I had fun writing it I hope the bond between this mother and her son came across. Please let me know if I succeeded or failed.



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