Chapter 22~Welcome to Saint louis or In Other Words, Welcome Home

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Chapter synopsis: Cece gets a surprise and a set back and it is almost time for Jason the readers and even me to meet the cast of zany characters that are a part of Aria's and AJ's life.
Welcome to Saint Louis

               ~~~🥀Chapter 22~ Welcome to Saint louis or In Other Words, Welcome Home🥀~~~

Jason sat on the aisle seat of the airplane as they flew to St. Louis with Aria, who sat by the window and AJ, who sat between them. The Montgomery's as well as Spencer and Alison drove to the airport that morning to see the trio off with tears in their eyes, they watched as Jason handled the carry-ons and Aria carried a sleepy AJ as they made their way through ticketing and were soon out of sight.

Day Before

Because of his late start, yesterday had been hectic. Aria had ended up going with him to Rosewood to help him pack while he handled everything he could over the phone. Alison called Spencer, Hanna and Emily to let them know Aria was at her house and the three of them "helped" Aria. Hanna and Emily were surprised Jason was going to Missouri with her, but not totally surprised when they were told the couple was going to give it another shot. Hanna who made absolutely no pretense of helping Aria pack Jason things said, "After the parking lot incident, we knew something was up."

"Parking lot incident?" Aria asked a little confused and then she blushed. Surely, they hadn't seen...she looked up with an embarrassed expression, Aria didn't know anything about this, Jason hadn't told her that they knew they had been making out in the parking lot, until the couple interrupted them.

"Oh, yeah, a man and woman came in complaining about a couple having sex in the parking lot in front of God and every decent person to walk by." Hanna said using the exact words except for what the couple had called Jason and Aria in their complaint, a hooker and a John. They further went on to complain that they did not think the management should allow those types of transactions to be carried out on their property. "Mom explained to them that you were newlyweds on your honeymoon She tried to remind them of how enthusiastic they were when they got married" Hanna rolled her eyes, "I am guessing they weren't too enthusiastic though, they looked like their faces were about to explode with indignation. Mom had to comp them their meal they were so upset by the indiscretion and vulgar language." Hanna finished laughing,

"We weren't having sex!" Aria said defensively. "Beside what makes you think it was Jason and me?"

Spencer had missed the exchange between Ashley and the couple, she could only imagine their pompous faces when Ashely brought up their honeymoon. That must have been a real hum dinger of a night. She put her arm around Aria's shoulder and said, "It's okay Aria we know it didn't get that far, even Jason can't work that fast, he was only been gone about ten or fifteen minutes." Aria blushed, it had taken him less than five. "Anyway, after the couple started complaining, I went out to check on him. It doesn't take that long to hand over a set of keys and you were the only people in the parking lot."

"We were catching up." Aria said lamely

"Sure, you were, with your tongues down each other's throat." Hanna snorted before muttering something that sounded suspiciously like, "and your hands down his pants."

Aria started to protest again, but decided to drop it. "Tell your mom I'm sorry she if we caused any problems for her." Not wanting Ashley to get fired or something.

"I will, but she thought it was hilarious." Aria decided her insecurity and jealousy might have led her to the wrong conclusion about Jason and Ashley.

Emily changed the subject deciding to save Aria any more embarrassment, bringing up Alison's engagement. Emily was surprised that she wasn't as heartbroken as she thought she would be. Maybe it had to do with Paige being in Rosewood or the confusion she felt over Toby, but whatever it was she was less hurt and happy for the girl she had been in love with for so many years.

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