Chapter 12 - Home Movies and Memories

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Chapter Synopsis: After an afternoon of watching home movies Aria makes a decision. And yup you guessed it more cheese, but needed cheese for plot development. Sometimes you just gotta do it.

This Chapter introduces 3 Original characters Danny, Thom and Enrico (or as AJ calls him Enwico) I don't know how much or even if they will be used.

              ~~~ 🥀Chapter 12 – Home Movies and Memories 🥀~~~

When Aria got back to her parent's apartment AJ was sitting by Ella watching home movies and eating popcorn. "Hi Mommy, he said smiling up at her, "You wanna watch movies of you and Uncle Mike wif me and Nana?"

Aria bent down kissing him on his forehead. "Nana and I" she said correcting him automatically. "Sure, thing buddy, just give me a few minutes to get changed."

Aria ran up to the guest room and changed into a loose maxi length tie-dyed sundress, washed off all her make-up and quickly braided her long hair into a loose braid, looking a few years younger than twenty-three, she ran back down the stairs to relax with her son and her mother. Aria spent a lot of time with AJ even when she was working she'd take him often as possible. However, yesterday because of the meeting with Jason and the girls, the unexpected lunch plans with them and then the evening out with Ezra and Maggie she hadn't spent much time with him, so today the rest of her day revolved around him and her parents. Mike would be there later this evening after his class to spend the weekend with his sister and nephew before they headed back to Saint Louis Sunday afternoon.

They had been watching home movies taken via camcorder and phones when the first video of Aria and Jason came on, it was just a short one of them at the park that Mike who had been taking pictures, had accidentally recorded. Jason was standing at the bottom of a slide smiling as a laughing Aria come down the slide and barreled into him almost knocking him backward before he caught himself and her. Mike and Mona could be heard laughing off to the side.

Aria remembered that day, it was right after they escaped the doll house. Jason and Mike planned the day just to get her and Mona's mind off the things that happened. It was just meant to be a light-hearted day, but that night Jason and Aria's relationship had gone to the next level, he had wanted to take things slow not wanting to rush her since she had broken up with Ezra only a few weeks before they got together.

Aria had been sure not long after they began dating. That night she finally convinced Jason of it. She didn't think AJ would think anything about it because he had seen videos with her and other boys she had liked and dated including Noel, Jake and even one with Ezra had made its way into the videos and he hadn't said anything. But, he sat up straighter as soon as he seen the father he had never met. His head tilting to the side as if making some sort of connection, but he said nothing. Aria lost in the past hadn't noticed, but Ella did.

They continued watching the videos and most were just videos of family trips, holidays, and outing until the video of the night of Senior prom. The school had uninvited Ali, Spencer, Hanna, Emily, Mona and Aria, but the extremely intelligent and always one step ahead Mona was a force to be reckoned with and soon they six girls were the guest of honor for surviving the harrowing experience. Mona had rented a Limo and had graciously invited Hanna, Aria, the other girls and their dates to ride with her all of them had accepted the offer except Jason and Aria.

On the video a smiling and very handsome Mike was waiting for Mona and the Limo to arrive when the knock on the door announced Jason's arrival to pick up Aria. Byron had caught Jason's awestruck face as Aria walked down the steps toward him, he kissed her softly on the lips before taking her hand and fastening the corsage around her slim wrist. After that Jason kept his arm around his girlfriend's waist as they waited for the others to arrive. Emily and Paige were the first to arrive followed by Mona. Mike's mouth fell open when his date walked through the door, his hand was shaking so bad he was barely able to tie the corsage around her tiny wrist before kissing her gently on the cheek. The next to arrive was Spencer, Toby, Hanna and Caleb who had rode over together. Alison finally arrived, she had kept her date a secret they were surprised when she walked in escorted by Noel Kahn.

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