1. Trapped

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Hello and welcome to my story. It's another Dramione one, and I had this idea about Hermione, being so weak after being tortured, stays back because Voldemort is coming and Harry has to leave before he arrives.  So I thought, it's a perfect plot for some Dramione. Hope you like it.

"Loving you is like trying to touch a star, I know I can never reach you, but I can't help but try."



Dobby and the rest had left for Shell cottage. Wormtail lay on the floor, motionless and dead. Harry and Ron exchanged looks and Ron leaned down to get his wand. They walked up the stone steps, listening for voices. They could hear Bellatrix cackling and Hermione's blood curdling screams. Harry could see tears in Ron's eyes and the urge to run and scream her name. But Harry held him back.

Hermione screamed again and the hairs on Harry's neck stood up. They leaned against the wall and watched the Malfoys around Hermione's limp body. Hermione shuddered and coughed. She was whimpering and all they didn't was laugh.

"Look at her" said Bellatrix enjoying torturing Hermione. She spat on the floor and mumbled mudblood. 

They saw Griphook standing there with the Gryffindor Sword cluctched in his dry hands.

"Is she telling the truth, is it a fake?" Bellatrix demanded.

Harry held his breath and prayed the Goblin would say yes.

"Yes" croaked Griphook and Harry relaxed a little.

Bellatrix sighed and said "Well, then, we no longer need this filth...Greyback, you can dispose of the mudblood."

And that's when several things happened at once, Ron ran in and Harry followed. He stunned the wolf and the other snatchers while Ron fought Nacissa. Harry stunning Bellatrix and she lay on the floor. Draco advanced and shot a jinx at harry but narrowly missed it. Harry saw Draco stumble and retreat.

Lucius roared in anger and tried to Crucio Ron, but he repelled it and tried to stun him. Hermione stirred in the chaos. She spluttered and cough up blood and looked at Ron and Harry with teary eyes.

Griphook cowered away to the back of the room while they fought. 

"Ron, go to Hermione" said Harry, but Draco shot a spell at Ron and fell to the floor to miss it. He got staright up and yelled "STUPEFY" at Draco and hit him square on the chest. He landed on the floor motionless.

"Draco!" yelled Narcissa and ran to hex Ron, but Ron was quick and moved. Harry duelled Lucius, spells and jinxes rushed past his head, nearly getting him everytime.

"Lucius! Call the Dark Lord, now!" Harry heard Narcissa say over the spells, and clatter of furniture. He saw Lucius Malfoy roll up his shirt and also fight Harry at the same time. Harry had to stop him. So he ran to Draco and pointed his wand at his head and yelled "STOP!"

All heads turned to Harry as they watched. "Stop, or he gets it."

"Leave him alone." said Narcissa breathing heavily and looking at her son in fear.

"Then don't touch the mark, stop now! Drop your wands"

Harry heard Hermione whimper in pain, she coughed and tried to say something. But her voice was too quiet.

BANG! Greyback had regained conciousness and slammed into Harry so hard, that he was sure his shoulder was dislocated. He groaned and saw Greyback getting up and advancing -this time to kill. Harry rolled over, and yells could be heard. Ron was fighting the two by himself. He ran and aimed a spell at Lucius, but he ducked.

Harry stood by Ron as Lucius, Narcissa and Greyback proceeded closer to them. Hermione kept whimpering, then she said...

"Harry" in a hoarse voice, filled with pain, anger, and fear. "He's coming, go, Harry."

Harry jerked his head towards Lucius's arm, the Dark Mark squirmed and thickended, he was coming.

Greyback pounced and landed next to Hermione, Ron screamed but Harry dragged him away, as the force of Greyback's landing shook the house, the chandelier fell, shards of glass flew in every direction. Harry covered his face and apparated with Ron in his grasp. He also grabbed Griphook who was inches away with the silver sword in his hands and they twirled in the air. The last thing he saw was a huddled up Hermione, crying, covered in her blood...left there as dark mist filled the room.

He'd just escaped Voldemort again...


Ok, so new story, you guys like it? Please comment your thoughts, they're helpful to me, anything that need improving? And please vote, thanks! x

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