6. Misunderstood

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Hermione was back in her prision, cooped up and fear getting the best of her. After her near escape she was back being stuck in this grotesque cellar. She was frustrated and grew desperate to get out. Thoughts haunted her and even in her sleeps there were nightmares.  Now they'd send two people down with any food or to escort her to  the cellar bathroom. But that wasn't the worst part. Bellatrix would make regular visits and even torture her sometimes. Hermione was fairly shaken up and kept on alert, her eyes red and tired. This was her definition of hell. She'd never felt more alone and vulnerable.

Distant footsteps echoed along the cellar corridors. The slightest sound made Hermione jump and she got to her feet. There's no way she could take down two people at once that carried wands. She wasn't sure how many days had passed but it felt like a life time. 

The eerie footsteps grew closer and in ear shot. It stopped and in front of her cell there was a tall boy in a fine, silk suit, who had blonde hair, gleaming grey eyes and a sharp chin. He opened the gate and entered with a limp. His leg must still be in the healing process. The gate flew open and his eyes fell upon Hermione's. They were far apart, just staring at each other. Draco made the first move and gradually got closer to Hermione. She stood still, scared a little, maybe?

"Thank you" he said and caught Hermione off guard. Her expression was confused but she relaxed her muscles a little after being constantly alert all the time.

"Why?" She asked him. He put his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heal.

"Because" he started. "you helped me, after you hit me with that spell."

Hermione remembered perfectly well, but had no idea why he'd brought it up now. Days had passed and there was no sign of him. Probably because of his leg but he was alone, was he meant to be down here.

"Whatever," she says, her voice sharp and angry. "And I guess the way you repay me is having me locked up here."

"That's not my choice. You know it's Bellatrix and my parents." he said continuing to rock back and forth. Surprisingly his voice was calm, he looked healthy again. Last time he looked worried, scared even. But he was ok now.

"Then help me get out." she pleaded. She sounded almost too desperate to ask the help of a Malfoy.

"You know I can't do that. The Dark Lord needs you. He'll be coming."

Hermione's breathing increased and she shuddered. A cold breeze had flown in. 

"You hate it, you hate what your family is doing, I can tell." This caught him off guard. He had a quizzical look and stopped swinging.

"And?" he demanded. "What do you expect me to do? Go against my family?"

"Well, if they're doing the wrong thing then yes." temper was rising, his and mine.

"Well, if you're so smart. Then you should know I have no choice but to go along with what they do." His voice shook as he spoke. Hermione went quiet and leaned against the stone wall.

"Did you just want to say thank you? Well you have, so I think you should leave." Hermione says firmly. Could she run out past him? Should she try. But Draco moved closer to the door, blocking her possible chance to escape. He'd read her mind some how.

"You can try, Granger. But they'll keep you here. He's going to get to Potter using you. He's going to kill him."


"They, broke into Gringotts and went to what vault?" Voldemort's voice was cold, frightening and angry. The Malfoys stared at the wooden floors, avoiding the slitted cat-like eyes. "WHICH VAULT?" he yelled, and everyone jumped. Bellatrix spoke, frightened but staying loyal to her master.

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