2. A Boy Without Any Remorse

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Ok, so from the last chapter, Dobby came and took the others to shell cottage,  but I didn’t mention that, I didn’t bring Dobby back to rescue Harry and the others because I just didn’t want him dying. I love that little elf.


Harry, Ron and the short Goblin, Griphook, landed abruptly outside Shell Cottage, on the sandy beach. The waves washed onto the shore, and the salty cool breeze washed over Harry. His mind was all over the place, he looked at the scared face Ron wore and Griphook still holding onto the sword for dear life.

He’d left Hermione, he’d left her in the hell house with the Malfoy’s, who’d kill her. Harry wanted to kick himself and go back, but Voldemort was surely already there, probably so angry he’d kill Hermione is a split second. Sobbing broke out behind Harry, and he faced to see Ron, crying into his hands. He continued to brawl and cough when familiar faces showed up.

“Harry!” yelled Fleur and she ran up to him and Ron, embracing them with all her might. Bill followed and patted Harry on the back, with that question he dreaded to answer.

“Where’s Hermione?”

Harry gulped, tears formed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and looked out into the sea.

“She’s still there.” He said. “She’s was tortured and we had to leave her.”

Bill sighed and gave Harry a one armed hug.

Harry continued through his own sobs and Ron’s, who was being comforted by Fleur and Luna, who had joined them.

“They’d called him, Voldemort and…I had to get away, Hermione said, so escape.”

“Then you did the right thing, Harry. We’ll get her back, she’ll be fine. She’d a very smart witch.”

They walked up to the little cottage, he saw the corpse like figure of Olivander and the wounded face of Dean, sitting at the table in the kitchen.

“We’ve got placed for you to sleep, maybe you should clean up and get some rest.”

But Harry couldn’t rest with the thought of Hermione being tortured further, getting killed. She was so weak when they left her.

Bill escorted Olivander and Dean up to their rooms, Luna helped Fleur and Ron decided to get out the kitchen for whatever reason, leaving Harry in the deserted room with just him, and his thoughts.

“Harry Potter, sir!” the squeaky voice made Harry jump until he saw Dobby the house elf, trotted towards him.#

“Hello, Dobby” Harry croaked.

“Harry Potter, looks very sad, sir.”


Then it hit Harry, Dobby could apparate and save Hermione. He turned towards him, excitement flooding his insides, he was overwhelmed, this could work.

“Dobby, could you co back to Malfoy Manor and save Hermione?” he asked hopefully.

“If only Dobby could, sir. When Dobby was freed from his old masters, Dobby was not meant to go back to their house, it was very bad for Dobby to go there tonight, sir. Dobby cannot go for a second time.”

And the little piece of hope inside Harry, vanished with a flick. He slumped back into his seat, buried his head in his hands and sat there, in silence.

“Dobby is sorry, sir.”

“It’s not your fault, Dobby. You did all you could.”

And the sound of Dobby’s footsteps faded as he walked away. The sky was black, the moon hid behind clouds and the cold sweeping into the house was becoming unbearable. Fleur made us dinner, a blazing fire lit the house and gave a fairly warm feeling. But, Hermione, it haunted him. This was all his fault, he should have died to save her, but her left that place…like a coward.


“ARGHHHGHHHH” the screams and shouts echoed the house, he bellowed, blew apart furniture’s, and yelled. He’d killed Greyback in his rage. His snake like nose flared and his slit eyes pierced around the house.

Hermione was still on the floor, covered in the mess and unnoticed. She wondered if they’d forgotten about her. She last motionless, squinted and watching them. Every time Voldemort shouted, she’d jerk but tried staying still.

“You…summoned me, for this?”

She could see The Malfoy’s finding a sudden interest in the floor. Bellatrix, who come back to her senses, looked outraged and ashamed.

“You had Potter, and you let his go.” He spat fiercely.

Nagini slithered around the room, hissing with pleasure as she reached the dead remains of Greyback. She pounced and blood poured around the werewolf. The pierced the dead body and ate her dinner.

Hermione wanted to be sick, It was a unappealing sight.

“You should be ashamed.” Voldemort hissed, like Nagini. “You couldn’t keep that boy long enough for me to get here?!” and he blasted the bookshelf, books flew in every direction, The Malfoy’s yelped and moved out the way. She caught a glimpse of Draco, his face with scars and obvious fear. He wore an expression if guilt and regret, almost as if this was his worst nightmare.

“What’s this?”

Hermione shut her eyes quickly and appeared unconscious. Bellatrix chuckled followed by a few gasps.

“It’s the mudblood, my lord. Potter’s friend.” Said an excited Bellatrix.

Hermione lay at the feet of Voldemort as her looked down at her.

“She’s breathing, she’d been stunned.” Said Voldemort’s cold voice.


And Hermione did feel alive all of a sudden, the spell put her senses to work and she began to stir and her eyes flew open.

There was a cold laugh, followed by sneering and cackling from others.

“Well, well….the muggleborn...friend of Potter.” Hermione could hear the excitement in his voice too.

And a wand was pointed at her face, held by a ghastly, disgusting hand with overgrown nails. Hermione breathed loudly, waiting for death. It’d be fast. In Hermione opinion, death was far better than torture, living in pain was too much.

But the wand was withdrawn.

“Take the girls wand, lock her in the cellar with all the protection there is, she is not to escape. This girl is the key to get to the boy. Keep her alive, for now.”

Bellatrix cackled and twirled Hermione’s wand in her hand. She was defenceless.

“Draco, take her to the biggest cellar and make sure all protection is put in place.” She heard Narcissa say.

Draco obeyed and grabbed Hermione by the arm. She winced, he’d gripped her arm where is now displayed the scar ‘mudblood’. A label given to her for life. Draco heard Hermione wince and slackened the grip, but that was probably because he was so scared already. Hermione stumbled onto her feet, she could hardly stand. She put all her weight on Draco and they waked out of the room.

It was the longest walk ever. They went down tons of stairs into the large cellars, there were many of them. Looking so lonely, uncomfortable and very haunting, who knows how many people died down her.

They reached to a large cellar with bigger bars. The door creaked open and Draco threw Hermione in there. She fell to her knees and shivered, it was cold down there. The door shut with a bang, Draco muttered incantations and spells and when he finished, she stared at her. But this time, there was no particular expression, no feeling. He just simply looked at her, which made her think that he was as bad as any Malfoy.

A boy without any remorse.


2nd Chapter, did you like it? Please vote, comment and fan, thanks and I promise, more Dramione on the way ;) just need them to get closer/

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