3. The Stay At Malfoy Manor

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Harry had been awake since 4am. There was no way to sleep when he knew Hermione could be dead at this moment. Hours went by until Harry heard footsteps of Bill and Fleur going to the kitchen.

Ron was definately tired, he was snoring with tossed and turned a lot. Probably from bad dreams.

Harry didn't wait and joined Bill and Fleur in the kitchen. he rubbed his eyes, yawned and sat next to Bill who had picked up the Daily Prophet.

"You won't believe the nonsense they've put in the paper, it's all supporting You-know-who. It's a load of rubbish." said Bill sipping his tea.

Fleur sighed and gave Harry and full glass of cool pumpkin juice that Harry drank in one. He didn't realise how thirsty he was until the drink quenched his thirst.

"I have to go back for Hermione." Harry blurted out after putting his empty glass down. And as predicted, Bill and Fleur stared at him.

"Harry, do not be stupid" Fleur exclaimed in a her shrill voice.

"That's exactly what they'd want." interjected Bill.

"But she could be dead" said Harry, his voice rising.

"Look, even if she is d- even is she is, they know you'd want to get her back either way. That's when you fall into their trap and Hermione wouldn't want that."

"So you expect me to leave her?!"

"No, of course not. Now is not the right time, you're still in no fit state to go back to that Manor, you need rest and looking after, that's all I'm saying."

Harry didn't like the idea of being told what to do. He wasn't a child anymore, but maybe that was his fatal flaw, being so stubborn. Fleur handed him pancakes but he left the table and went to the back door.

The day was beautiful, the was sunny, which was a change and the sea was calm. And to his surpise, he saw Luna there, collecting pebles and looking at the flowers.

"Hey, Luna"

"Hi Harry" she replied without looking at his, but mezmerised in the daises. 

"So, how are you?"

"After being held in Malfoy Manor, I feel ecceptionally ordinary"


Harry joined her while she collected pebles.

"I know you want to go back for Hermione, Harry. And I know you will, but you need to be ready and catch them off guard."

Harry stared at Luna in astonishment. "What do you mean?" 

Luna smiled out into the sea. "Well, if I were You-know-who, I'd use Hermione to get to you, and I know you would go back for her, but I think the Dark Lord needs a distraction. If there's a distraction, you get Hermione back safely"

All this started to confuse Harry. How was he meant to distract Voldemort and get Hermione? 

Harry remained silent. He had his thoughts with him and Luna stood by him, staring dreamily at the world.

And then he understood, the horcruxes are the distraction he needs. Three's gone and he need 4 to get. But where could they be? Voldemort will find out what they're hunting soon, so he will be doing everything to protect them. Wait...Bellatrix! She went beserk when she thought we'd gone into her vault. She's protecting something. It's all coming together.

"Thanks Luna" He said and ran in with a rush. 

Ron woke with a start when Harry shook him.

"Wake up, Ron! I might know where the next Horcrux is"

This got Ron to his senses and he listened carefully.

"But that's mental, how are we meant to get into Gringotts, that place is impossible to break into."

"Yes, but we have the help of a Goblin...Griphook."


Hermione's vision was blurred. She saw dust and iron bars. Reality hit her and she saw where she was. She stifled a yawn and sat up with all her might agaisn't the wall. Her legs were weak and painful, not to mentioned her scarred arm. Her head was heavy and she felt so exhausted. The cellar was cold and damp, a tiny window lit the place, but beside's that, there was no hope of escape.

Her voice seemed to have gone from all the screaming and lack of use. But she heard voices approaching and curled up into a ball. The iron gates of the cellar clanked open and a deep voice was heard.

"Ah, mudblood...." It was Lucius Malfoy.

"We just found Wormtail dead...no doubt the work of Weasley and Potter."

Hermione squinted through her eye lids. This woman, or a maid came in a dropped a tray of revolting looking food. 

"We can't let her starve to death, or the Dark Lord won't be happy" and with that Lucius Malfoy left along with the maid.

Hermione's eyes darted around her prison, and then the food she won't be eating at all. She'd rather starve to death. Hermione kicked the tray away and leaned her head back into the wall. Tears streamed down her face and her sobs echoed in the empty cellar. She was alone.


"Can the Datk Lord really use her to get to Potter?" questioned Narcissa, pacing the living room that looked no better from the distruction.

"Of course he can, Potter will be back for the mudblood, he will come to rescue her"

Narcissa grumbled, but Draco sat still and pale in his armchair.

"Draco, dear...what's wrong?" asked Narcissa.

"Leave the boy, Narcissa, he doesn't need you yapping on."

"No, Lucius, he looks ill" Narcissa approached Draco and he stood up abruptly.

"I'm going to my room mother" he said and walked out. In the pit of his stomach, he felt sick, with guilt. He's seen too much, he grew up hating people, but now he has stepping into a truly cruel world. And he didn't like it.

He felt scarred for life, the torture, the pain, her screams. Draco felt so ill. What would happen to him?

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