7. Trust

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An alarm sounded as soon as Harry’s and Ron’s feet hit the floor. They quickly ducked out of sight from Death eaters. They ran, hiding and sneaking in the shadows. They were in Hogsmeade to get inside the school. They were crouched down in a deserted alleyway, shouts of death eaters in the distance could be heard. It was all drowned out by a burst of pain in Harry’s head. He squirmed and writhed on the floor, keeping his mouth shut so no-one else would find them.

He got blurred flashes of Voldemort, angry and on the move. He saw the school, just glimpses of it, and the searing pain stopped abruptly. Harry began to pant and get to grips with what he saw. Ron put a hand on his shoulder, comfortingly.

“We have to get inside the school, Ron” he breathes, receiving a nod from Ron.


“Draco, go get the mudblood.” Bellatrix sneered, instruction Draco to get Hermione. He nodded curtly and left the living room, tugging at his collar as he descended the cellar stairs. He remembered that he’d left his coat with her, and not only that. At night his wand had gone missing and he worried. If his parents found out that he carelessly left a wand with her, they’d kill him.

His footsteps echoed on the cold, stone floor. He peered through the cellar gate, but it was wide open and empty. He quickly spun around, looking for her but she wasn’t there.

“Your jacket” says and voice and he turns, Hermione in front of him, aiming his wand directly at his chest. She chucked Draco’s jacket wither other hand and gulped.

“Give me my wand” he demands and she shakes her head.

“No, it’s my way out of here” she whispers.

Draco’s hand slowly moves to his pocket, extracting a wooden wand that belonged to Hermione. Her eye furrowed then shot back up at Draco.

“I stole it from my dad’s study” he says firmly, holding up his hands to show he’s no harm. He throws it to her whilst she leans in to catch it. Her hands shook and her dark brown eyes, stared deeply into his grey ones.

“You can trust me” he says and Hermione scoffs.

“Hardly” she replies and Draco grits his teeth.

“I returned your wand to you, I’m helping you. But right now I’ve got to take you upstairs and head to Hogsmeade.” He explains and she shifts nervously.

“Why?” she questions, eyeing Draco.

“Listen to the plan. He’ll take you to Hogsmeade, he knows Potter’s heading there. When you get there you can escape back to them. Make sure you have your wand hidden the whole time, when the time is right. I’m going to run to, Ok?” he asks, waiting for her to approve. She gives him a little nod, and gulps.

“Now hand me my wand” he drawls, outstretching his hand at Hermione. She thinks for a while then gives it to him.

“Thanks, now hide your wand. I’m going to take you up there, and we’re going to apparate to Hogsmeade.”

And for the final time, Hermione nods whilst Draco grabs her arm, leading her up the stairs.


Harry’s eyes dart around the deserted Alleyway. The wind grows colder, a bone trembling chill runs down his spine causing him to shiver violently. He scrunches his hand and hugs himself to keep himself warm while Death Eaters search for them. Suddenly, the cold wing swept over them, rattling breathing could be heard and Harry’s head snapped to the left. Right at the end glided Dementors, detecting them and rushing over to feast.

The eerie rattling got closer and Harry drew a breath when a nearby door swung open and a hoarse voice spoke.

“Get in here” called the stranger and without objection, Ron and Harry ran in past the tall figure.

The descended into a little room, with a large portrait or a girl, a burning fire that send warm are around the place. The man appeared at the door, gesturing towards a tray of bread and cheese with pumpkin juice on the table. Ron went over there in a flash. However Harry stayed back, staring intently at the stranger that just helped them.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, coming here?” he asked in a husky voice.

“Who are you?” Harry questions and the man narrows his eyes.

“Aberforth Dumbledore” he states and Ron’s eyes shoot up.

“Dumbledore’s brother?” he mumbles while swallowing a mouthful.

“Don’t you know it’s dangerous to be here. You should be hiding.” The man rattles on.

“We’ve got to do something. That’s why we’re here.” Harry says firmly.

“And what’s is that?”

“I can’t say, Dumbledore set us a job to do.”

“Oh did he now” Aberforth chuckles and leans a hand on her belly. “Well my brother never cared for anyone but himself. I’d say this job will get you killed. Stop now, boy and hide.” He warms, pouring Ron some more pumpkin juice.

“I can’t, this is the only way to stop him.” Harry said impatiently.

“He’s already won. Nothing to stop now. We’ve lost” Aberforth grumbles and sits by the fire.

“We’re not giving up. We need to get inside the school” Aberforth interjects Harry with a laugh. “Get inside the school. You’re asking for death now” he chortles and Harry grits his teeth.

“Thank you, for helping but we have to leave now” Harry walks towards the door, tugging at Ron’s sleeve.

“Wait” Aberforth calls and they spin around. Then he gets up and faces the large painting of a girl.

“You know what to do” he says to her and she walks, away from the painting, becoming a dot in the distance.

They all wait, carefully keeping their ears alert and eyes on the portrait when two little dots appear on it. Coming closer and closer, until Harry noticed it was two people now, walking towards them. Soon as the picture was clear Harry jaw dropped. The portrait swing open and there stood a familiar face.

“Neville” calls a dumbfounded Harry and indeed Neville looks down at them, delighted to see Harry and Ron again.


I'm so sorry for the wait! It's been so long but here it is! And just to let you know that the 2000 Galleon bet had either 1 or 2 chapters left until it's finished, so keep an eye out for that :) Enjoy!

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