Chapter 1

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3rd POV:

A girl sighs as she walks threw her school hallways, looking around with boredom in her brown eyes. 'I wish it was more quiet in this school....' She thought, covering her fox ears with one hand. Her other hand held her lunch, as she looked around for the familiar sets of stairs that lead to the roof. Smiling when she saw the stairs, she ran up them and opened the heavy door, sitting down and looking over the city.

Opening her bento, she starts to eat, mainly going after the meat and rice that was contained inside. Getting up, she started to head down the stairs and back to her class. ' I hope I'm the only one there during lunch.' She thinks with a small smile and opens the door, revealing 2 boys whom she recognized as her classmates. The smaller boy had green curly hair and blue eyes while the taller one had spiky blonde hair and red eyes.

'I hope Midoriya is alright... And why does Bakugou have to bully the poor boy.....' She trials off when she notices them right next to her desk, both standing. Sighing, she sneaks over to her desk and sits down, putting away her bento and watching the two males. Midoriya seems to have noticed the brunette watching them and gave her a small smile, in which she returned.

"OI Deku, who you smiling at!? Are you ignoring me!!?" Bakugou yells at Midoriya, causing the boy to frantically shake his head and try to explain.

"A-ahh, no K-kachann... S-Sukioma is...well...." The curly haired boy trails off and points to said female, causing Bakugou to stare at him and turn around, locking red eyes with purple eyes. He huffs loudly, causing the female to jump slightly, a light blush on her face. Bakugou turns around and locks eyes with Midoriya again.

" Deku....." He growls and lets loose a couple of small explosions from his hand, causing both the green haired boy and female to jump, again. Bakugou looks at the female one more time before leaving the room, slamming the door behind him. Midoriya sighs in relief and looks at the female with his blue eyes, curious as to what she was doing. Gam was drawing in her book, having took it out after Bakugou slammed the door.

Her ears twitched when the boy started to watch her draw.

"Ohh, S-Sukioma.. The dragon seems like it will jump off the page at any minute..." Midoriya commented on her drawing, a smile on his face. She looks at the boy and gives him a small smile of her own, her tail was slightly wagging in happiness.

"T-thanks M-Midoriya..." Said boy starts to wave his hands around.

"P-please call me Izuku.." She smiles at him again before replying.

"Then please, call me Gam... I prefer it of people call me that than my real name..." She looks back down to the paper. Soon the bell rings and everyone starts to pile into the class, chatting and taking their seats. Bakugou enters the room with his little group, staring at the brunette with slight anger and annoyance.
'Why is she so quiet..? Its annoying.....'


Gam sighs again as she walks down the halls and out of the school. She shuffles out onto the sidewalk and puts her headphones on. Which was quiet weird, because of her brown fox ears.

What she didn't know, was that she was being charged at by a familiar spiky haired hot head. He roughly puts his hand on the females shoulder, causing her to wince and take here ear buds out.

"Oi oi.... Why are you always so quiet?. Do you think your better than me or something??!!" The blonde male screamed in her sensitive ear, making her wince again. Gam looks down and starts to mutter under his gaze, before she continues on her way home.
That set the male off more. He lunged forward and roughly pulled her back by her wrist, causing the shy girl to wince in pain and fall on Bakugou.
"W-wha...?" She mumbles, her tail and ears flattened, blushing when she realised the position the two where in. She was laying right on Bakugou, and he was mad.....
"Oi the hell?!!!??" He screamed and pushed her off, making her uniform sieves rise and show her arms from impact. His crimson eyes widened at what he saw. Her wrists where covered with cuts and bruises, looking both fresh and healing. 'W-where area those from...?'
Her purple eyes widened as she sat up, covering her arms with the sleeves and running home.
"O-OI!!!!!!" Bakugou screamed at her as she ran. He huffed and went to go find his gang and go to the arcade.

---------------------(night of sludge incident, so after)-----------------------

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???!! YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!!!! WHERES MY BEER!!?????" A big burly man, seemingly drunk, screamed at the small girl.
"I-im sorry..sir.. I forgot to get it......" She bows her head, ears flattened and tail between her legs. He growls and stomps up to the brunette, raising his fist, and slamming it down on her head. She cries out when he does this a couple more times in different spots.
"Y-yes s-sir" Gam bows again, tears in her purple eyes as she heads out the door, running to the liquor store. After she got the beer pack, she after to run home, luck however, want on her side as she ran into someone and caused them both to fall.
"A- ah.. I-im so sorry.. I wasnt looking where I was g-going......" She manages to croak out, checking on the person. The person was male, and had two different hair and eye colors. One side was white and brown, while the other had red and blue, split right down the middle.. He stands up and offers her a hand. She takes it as he asked a question.
"Its fine... Why are you out so late, running with a pack of beer... Aren't you too young...?" She starts to think of what to tell the male.
"A-ahh its not for me... Its for my father...... H-he was too tired to come and get it from work, he's a hero, so its to be expected..." Gam trails off, trying to walk away.
"Hmm.. See you later than, fox..." The multi colored male walks the opposite direction, wondering about who her father was...

--------------------(long timeskip to entrance exam)-------------------------

As Gam ran up to UA, she had a huge grin on her face, tail wagging crazy fast. People gave her looks as they passed the brunette. She started to walk when she saw Bakugou are Izuku and head inside. She sighs and walks up to Izuku right as he trips, to be saved by a girl with a cool quirk.
"H-hi Izuku.." She smiles and walks next to the green haired boy. He smiles and looks down to her.
"Hi G-Gam.. Your trying to enter UA too? I didn't know that.. Are you OK?? You look more pale than normal?" Izuku looks at his friend with concern in his blue eyes.
"I-im fine.. Thanks for worrying, now let's go" Gam smiles a fake unnoticed smile as they enter the exam room.


She gulped as she looked at t big ruined city with wide purple eyes, she wasn't pared with Izuku, but she however.....
Got in the same area as Bakugou. Since he saw her arms, she's been avoiding the spiky blonde more than usual.
The said male noticed her and glared, stomping up to the poor female.
"Oi!!! The-" he was cut short as everyone started to run in the city, dragging him. She giggles before covering her mouth and running ahead of the crowd. Her fox quirk allowed her to have the speed, smarts, and physical abilities and looks of one. So she was faster.
Seeing four 3 pointers, she ran up and scratched them, making them break because of her claws, sharper than steel. Her ears twitched as she headed multiple explosions all around her. 'Probably Bakugou...' Gam sighs and runs away from the male, not wanting to talk after what he shouldn't of seen.
Soon the test ended, she ended up getting 55 attack points and 12 rescue points. Gam smiles, proud and heading home, slowly becoming discouraged as she went. A certain pair of red eyes watched, and tried to figure everything out. From what Bakugou could price together, Gam was abused, tired, both or horrible at building shit.
Growling, the male decided to follow her home. 'Good thing she is listening to music..'

When they arrived, all Bakugou could hear from outside was, "WHY ARE YOU LATE?!?! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?!" He nodded his head and assumed it was a worrying father and left. What he didn't hear was, "YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! GET ME A DRINK OR YO DEAD!!!!!"

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