Chapter 2

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3rd POV:

'W-what time is it....?' Gam looks at the clock, purple eyes widening when she saw the time. '1-10 AM....? Shit...I'm surely dead this time....... Welp, so long world, I didn't even get to go and finish that anime I wanted...' Sighing, Gam slowly gets up and changes into a big, baggy grey shirt and black pants.

She runs out of her room and into the kitchen, making her father breakfast in a hurry, eggs and bacon. Her father soon stumbled down the stairs and glared, sitting down and chugging more beer.

"G-good morning, F-father..." Gam mumbles, handing him all the food, getting none. He flashes the small girl a nasty smile.

"Good girl, you even gave me all your food, I taught you right." He pats her head harshly before starting to pig out. She flashes her father a smile before grabbing her baggy hoodie and heading to the door.

"I-is it alright if I head out, Father?" He looks up from his meal and nods, before pigging out more.

"T-thank you.." She smiles a small smile and leaves, shivering slightly, tail wagging. Sniffing the air, she grins and starts to head to the park, passing many people on the way. 'Lots of people are outside for it being 11 AM today.....' She closes her purple eyes and uses her nose to sniff her way to the park.


Opening her fox-like eyes, she runs to the swings as if she was a child. Giggling, she jumps on the swing, looking around the park at all the families. She closes her eyes once more hen a breeze appears, breathing in and out happily. Her ears twitch when she hears someone walk up to her, but she doesn't open her eyes, knowing the familiar scent of sweat and smoke.

"Oi, what are you doing here so early?" The male questions, unusually calm. Surprised by his calm actions, she opens her eyes and looks into his crimson ones. Her ears raised when he sat next to her on the opposing swing, sighing.

"OI! Answer my question!"
"O-OK....Ummmm, well....My d-dad let me o-out of the h-house for o-once...." Her ears flattened, thinking about her father. Bakugou, oblivious, didn't notice her change of mood.

"Good enough. Oi! Why are you so quiet!!?" He suddenly screams in her ear, causing her to jump and fall off the swing. He doesn't notice, again, and picks her up by her hoodie. Their noses where touching, causing Gam to blush as Bakugou yelled on.

"OI!! Pay attention!!"
"Now... Why are you never let outside?!!? Are you sick or something!!??!" He forces the poor girl on her feet, still glaring and noses still touching. Her blush never let up, for for foxes, they where kissing. He noticed her blush.
"OI!! The hell you red for!!?" He yells, now noticing the closeness, he blushes and drops her. She yelps slightly, having landed on her tail wrong, bending it.

"Oi!!!! THE HELL BAKA!!!!! THAT FUCKING HURT!!!!!!" Gam yelled, purple eyes widening, and quickly covering her mouth. Bakugou's crimson eyes widened, never having heard the quiet girl yell, or even cause for that matter. She quickly springs up and runs off, Bakugou yelled after the female, before chasing her. As she ran, Gam held her tail as it throbbed, tears beginning to form.

'Dammit.... Why did I have to land on my tail wrong.... It hurts a lot.......'

"OI!! GET BACK HERE BITCH!!!!! THE HELL!!!??!!!" The angry male screamed, noticing her holding her tail. 'Wait... Did she land on her tail wrong....... Oh shit.....' He speeds up, having now noticed her pain. Gam stumbles over her paws and trips, falling, and scrapping her arms up badly. She wines and slowly sits up, looking at her arms with a teary face. Bakugou slows to a stop next to the crying brunette, slightly surprised and worried.

'Wait..The hell am i worried for... Oh well.." He bonks the female on her head and holds out his hand. Gam rubs her head and glares at the crimson eyed male before noticing his hand, taking it. He sighs and starts to drag her in a random direction.

"W-where are you taking me...?" Gam questions, holding her tail with her unoccupied hand, very surprised. Bakugou moves his head from the females line of sight before answering.

"You hurt your arms...." Gams ears raise in question, as she's about to ask why, Bakugou talks.

"Shut up bitch...." He mumbles, a blush on his face.


Bakugou led Gam to a nice looking home, causing her ears to perk up and her tail to try to wag. However, any tail movement hurt the female extremely, causing her to wince. Bakugou burst open the door, not giving any shits on who was home, or if he disturbed them. The brunette just facepalms.

"Put your stuff anywhere, I don't really care.. The couch is over there, go sit or something while I go and grab some shit." he huffs and points to a nice looking couch. Gam nods and sits on the couch very weirdly, her paws where holding all of her weight, while she rested her arms on her outstretched legs. (Just search L's sitting pose, thats how she's sitting right now)

Bakugou walks back into the room with what appears to be some curry. When he see's how the female was sitting, he raised a brow.

"The hell you sitting like that for, bitch?" He pokes her shoulder, causing her to flail her arms around, trying not to fall.

"I-I'm sitting like this because of my tail's state. I-I hurt it, s-so it hurts to move it, s-so I cant s-sit normally for a w-while." She stutters out, blushing and looking at her fluffy brown tail. Bakugou stares at her tail and scraped up arms for a little before getting up and going into the other room. She just closes her eyes, hissing when she twitched her tail. Soon Bakugou came back into the room, holding a white box and sitting next to the female. When he opened the box, it turned out to be medical supplies. Grabbing a cotton ball and squeezing it, Gam hissed at the ball and scooted away.

"The hell.?! You're afraid of a cotton ball.. FOR FUCKS SAKE!!" She hissed at the ball again, and covered her ears when he squeezed it.

"S-stop it, it hurts my ears dumbass.." She mumbles.

"That's the second time you cussed, i didn't know you could." Bakugou smirked, and jumped on the poor girl, making her yelp.

"D-dont you dare....." His smirk widened as he was about to squeeze the ball again, they heard a female voice yell.



"Hello dear, my name is Mitsuki Bakugou." A blonde female smiles at Gam, red eyes widening when she saw Gam's arm scraps and hurt tail.

"Oh, what happened.. Wait don't tell me, Katsuki did it.." Mitsuki glares at then crimson eyed male.

"N-no, he h-helped...." Gam mumbles, looking at Bakugou with a thankful glance. Mitsuki see's the glance and smirks, putting her arm around Gam.

"Wow, your a cutie aren't ya? Don't worry, I'll take good care of ya." She squeals and pinches the brunette's cheeks. Bakugou sighs and Gam blushes.
"Oh yeah, your hurt aren't ya, lets get you patched up, mkay?" She grabs the medical supplies and carefully grabs a cotton ball. "Now from what I saw earlier, you hate cotton balls, right?" Gam nods.
"Then lets try not to squeeze it then." Mitsuki smiles and starts to clean Gams wounds and bandage her tail.
"there, all done." Mitsuki claps and Gam bows.
"T-thank you..."
"Oh its no problem really, Katsuki needs to bring you over ore often, I like you." Gam and Bakugou both blush, Gam more than Bakugou.
"Ahhh, you should be getting home, its getting quiet late.." Mitsuki notes and the brunette starts shaking her head 'No' Rapidly. Mitsuki and Bakugou raise their eyebrows.
"Then lets call your parents and tell them where you are, we don't want them to be too worried." Mitsuki smiles and leaves to find the phone while Gam mumbles, 'I bet father wouldn't give a single fuck....'

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