Chapter 4

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3rd POV:

'Today's the day....I should be finding out if I made it into UA, I sure hope so........' Gam thinks as she puts her baggy hoodie over her head.
"F-father, may I go to the park for a little while?" The brunette held onto her hoodie, looking at the floor.
"Hmmmm..yeah sure, get me beer while your at it bitch." The older male turned to the female before turning his head back to the TV. Gam smiles and doesn't bother to grab shoes, running out of the house and to the park. 'I wonder....He's been letting me outside more often, and not hurting me as much...I wonder why.....?' The brunette shakes her head. 'N-no I should be happy about still is strange though.......'
She soon arrived at the park, it wasn't very crowded, adding to her happiness. Sighing as she sat on the swing, she eagerly watched for the mailman, having told him to give the UA letter to her at the park. 'I'm glad that I'm not home when this letter arrives, Father would be super pissed at what I was hoping to be........ Thank god I asked the mailman to deliver it to me at the park..... That was actually smart of me..' She started to zone out watching for the mailman and her letter.
"Um, are you awake Gamal.... Cause I got your letter..." The mailman, tapped the females shouler, making her jump and bow.
"O-oh, sorry....T-thank you for doing this for me...." The male started to wave his hands around.
"N-no its fine.... Bye Gamal." The male starts to run.
"OI, I told ya to call me Gam!!" The purple eyed female swung her arms around, embarrassed. She sighs and runs behind a nearby tree and opening her letter. A hologram of All Might appears and she gasps, surprised.
"Young Sukioma, I am happy to inform you that you've passed.-" Gam gasps, tears welling in her eyes. " You passed with 56 Villain points and 12 rescue points, plus your written exam, you passed with an 100. You did a very good job, I happily welcome the daughter of the Crimson Whirl into UA!!" All Might salutes the female, giving her a smile before disappearing. Gam was crying happy tears, sniffling and whipping them away. She got up and opened her backpack, taking out a binder with paper and colored pencils. She smiled and started to draw out her hero costume, giggling and sighing with happiness.
Giggling like a maniac, she puts on her uniform and leaves the house with a giant smile. 'I can't wait, my first dayyyy~~ I can hardly walk....Wait, the hell am I walking for when I can jump roof to roof....' Gam smiles and sharpens her claws, before digging them into the side of a wall, and scaling it like a spider. She breaths in the fresh air before running and jumping from roof to roof, going to school the fun way.
"OI, THE HELL YOU DOIN'?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" A male voice screamed at her, making her gasp and almost fall off the building she was currently on. Looking down to the male that yelled at her, she sighs, 'Damnit Bakugou.... You could of killed me.....'
"I-I'm going to school....."
"OH yeah!? I don't give a shit, just get down here and run to school safely. I don't want to have to carry your dead ass to the hospital and explain that you where roof jumping to school like an idiot!!!!!" He screams at the brunette. She sighs jumps down, making Bakugou scream curses and catch the girl, bridal style.
"THE FUCK YOU DO THAT FOR!!!!" The crimson eyed male screamed in her ear, making her wince and cover said ear.
"I-I was getting d-down faster....A-and to school faster as w-well..." She mumbles, blushing and looking at the now interesting ground.
"Well be smarter, dumbass." Bakugou just starts to walk on his merry way to UA, still holding the blushing mess of a female.
"C-can you m-maybe, put me d-down...?" Bakugou's red eyes glare down at her.
"How about no, idiot. If I put you down, you're gonna go running off and die." He glares at her with a 'duh' face.
They both soon reach the school, people where giving them weird looks as Bakugou carried the smaller female to their class. He put the girl down then they reached class '1-A' Bakugou bursts the door open and waltz in like he owned the place and Gam follows behind him, timidly, almost using him as a shield. He just huffs and sits down next to a window, the brunette follows and sits next to him. Bakugou smirks and puts his feet up on the desk, making a male student with dark blue hair and glasses gasp and run up to the ash-blonde male.
"Don't put your feet on the desk!" Gam noticed the door open, seeing a sweating Izuku. She gave him a smile and a small wave, making him calm down slightly.
"Huh?" Bakugou smirks at him, not showing any signs of moving.
"Don't you think that's rude to the UA upperclassmen and the people who made this desk?" The male waves his hand around, motioning to the desk.
"Nope. What junior high did you go to, side character?" Bakugou continues to smirk and argue. Gam and Izuku almost facepalmed.
"I attended Somei private Academy. My name is Lida Tenya." Lida almost gasps as he introduces himself, making Bakigou laugh.
"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you." Bakugou moves his face closer.
"B-bakugou..... I-I don't think you should be making enemies on the f-first day..." Gam raises her hands, trying to calm the male down.
"Shut up Gam." Bakugou is quick to tell her off. 'W-wait, d-did he say my name...?'
"Crushing? that's cruel. Do you truly aim to be a hero?" lida gasps again and steps back in disbelief. Bakugou sits back with a Tsk, before the two noticed Izuku in the doorframe.
"You're..." lida trails off, making everyone looks at the boy.
"Oh, um....."
"Good morning! My name is lida Te-" Izuku cuts lida off
"I-I heard. I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, lida." 'Izuku is embarrassed....' Gam trails off, zoning out.
"Midoriya, you realized there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you?" lida suddenly questions.
"I had no idea..... I misjudged you! I hate to admit it, but you are better than me." lida suddenly exclaims, making Izuku wave his arms around slightly.
"Oh, that curly hair! You're the plain-looking one!" The female from the exam rushes in behind Izuku. She was making punching motions, and Izuku was blushing. Gam was zoned out until a black haired male threw a gym uniform at her, hitting her face and making Bakugou laugh, catching his.
Everyone was dressed and out on the field, Gam was blushing and playing with her gym uniform, looking down, perking up her ears when she heard Ochaco.
"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?"
"If you're going to be a hero, you don't have time for suck leisurely events." The sleepy male answered, making everyone gasp.
"UA's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how teachers run their classes." He turned around, looking at everyone, his eyes lingering on Gam for a little before continuing.
"You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your quirks." he raised his phone and showing the students before continuing.
"The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the ministry of education is procrastinating. Bakugou, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?" Aisawa questions, making everyone look at the ash-blonde male.
"67 meters." He plainly answers, bored.
"Then try it again using your quirk." Aisawa gives him a soft ball and points him to the throwing area. He stands in place.
"DIE!!!" Bakugou screams as the throws the ball, using his quirk, he made a big explosion. Everybody was dumbfounded. 'Die....?"

Aisawa's phone beeps and he raises it, showing the class. It read '705.2m' Everybody gasped and Gam looked in wonder before realizing. 'Shit, I'll probably have to do that too......'

'I can do this, I will do well, I hope.....' Gam thought as she watched everyone else race, however, there was an odd number of students.
"Ochaco, race Gam." Aisawa instructed the happy brunette. Ochaco walked up next to Gam with a smile.
"Lets both do our best, ok?" Gam smiled at her and nodded, waiting for the beep of the machine.
Gam bent down as Ochaco ran ahead of her, confused. Breathing, the female's muscles tensed as she launched, going past Ochaco and leaving a trail of dust behind her.
"4.36 Seconds"
Gam sighs and sits down, rubbing her legs and arms. Ochaco ran up next to her, out of breath.
"H-how are you so fast....?"
"My quirk, t-take a guess...." Gam pointed to her feet, tail, eyes, fangs and ears.
"O-oh, you have a fox quirk, I've never seen one before, I've heard that it was a very rare quirk..." Ochaco rambles on about the rarity of the fox quirk. Gam sighs and gets up, walking and standing next to Bakugou. The male raised his eyebrow but said nothing.
Gam grunted as she squeezed the machine, getting a measly 35.
"I thought it would of been higher......." She gasps when she hears some other students yelling.
"Octopuses are sexy!!"
Cue Gam facepalm and Bakugou snickering.

Grunting, the female got down on all fours before slamming her tail onto the ground. Combining that with her jump skill, she easily passed. When she crossed the line, she huffs and sits down, petting and caring for her tail. Her tail still wasn't fully healed from before, so it hurt quiet a bit.
Huffing, gam jumped back and forth, doing pretty decent, when her test ended, she looked at a small boy to see this was up his alley, as he aced this test.
Gam gasps when Ochaco got 'Infinity'. Before deciding that her quirk had to do with gravity.
"Gam, your turn.." Gam gulped and timidly walked over and grabbed the ball from Aizawa. She felt all eyes on her when she got on all fours again, before jumping up, holding the ball in her tail and launching it. landing on all fours with an OMPHH, she looked to see her score was 276m. She sighs and slumps over, happy with her score.
Shortly after the next few tests Aizawa gathered the students in front of a board, Gam franticly looks for her name.
She sighs in relief, looking to see Izuku's name at the botton. She could see the green haired boy shaking, and she felt bad for him.
"Oh by the way, I lied.

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