Part I

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Chapter 1



Everything happened when I was in classroom. Ms. Parker, the freaking Ms. Parker, was talking about the American Revolution. I wasn't listening. I hate History. Someone passed a note to me. I read it in my mind


let's meet at the café for lunch.

See you later."

The note wasn't signed. Bad news. The other bad news was Ms. Parker finding me with that freaking piece of paper in my desk. I had to spend one hour of punishment. I HATE PUNISHMENT! I'd never been in detention, and I hate it. That's it.

While I was in detention, I received another note:


I'm sorry you're in detention.

Please forgive me."

No sign. Once again. Was this a joke?

It clearly wasn't!

After detention, the girl who kept passing me notes said hello to me. I asked her why she had passed me such many notes. She didn't answer. I asked again: "What's your name, darling?"

She laughed. "Hahaha... Darling... How could you guess my surname? Actually, I am June Darling", she said.

I answered, "Nice to meet you, June. My name is Skye Fowler. It's been my first time in detention today".

"Really? Why?"

"Ms. Parker found me with notes in my hands. Twice."

"Oh! Actually, she found me passing notes during her lessons. Four times!"

"Oh my God! Have you ever been to detention before?"

"No. It's my first time. And the last, I hope. My parents will punish me if I go to detention once again".

"Don't worry. If you don't want to be anymore in that creepy room, you'll have to behave..."

"Ok. I have to go. Hope to see you soon!"

She left. In that moment, I understood something I would never learn anywhere else.And I knew June and I would become very good friends.


I met Katelyn in punishment. I was there for harassing freshmen, it's obvious. She was there for having snuck out of classes and causing a fight in the canteen. I was sitting next to her and, whispering, we talked about how we had fun at bullying the other students, turning their lives to hell. I revealed I had been abandonned by my friends, or who I thought they were friends to me; they turned their back to me, they were only fucking liars. She revealed she'd never had friends in her life and told me she needed me. So we pretended to be friends.


I learnt how to deal with real and fake friends. I don't only need someone who has to follow me. I only want people who listen to me. If they can't, they don't deserve me.

Chapter 2



I feel like the whole Earth has fallen over me. I lost the only person who behaved as a mother towards me, who respected me and protected me. My poor Granny is buried in a fucking graveyard!


I can't believe it! Mom has been ignoring me for long, while accepting Holly's favours. (For the ones who don't know her, Holly Biggs is a little fucking brat who only cares about helping whoever she wants, as little fucking orphans with no fucking family, dirty fucking homeless people with fucking stray cats who haven't eaten for ages, and old fucking witches on fucking wheelchairs!) I tried to talk to Dad about it, but I don't think Dad will ever listen to me! I wish everyone went to fucking hell! I need a break - and a bottle of beer - I am depressed! I can't get along with people. It's way too difficult! And Katelyn is the only one who cares about me. The others are only fucking pieces of fucking shit!


I always wanted to go to Europe. June always wanted to go to Europe. As a result, we asked Bethy Linn what she thought about. She was excited and told her parents wanted to let her go. Because they trust her. Mine don't even know what thrust is supposed to be!

So, I went home and talked for hours about how the trip could be safe and exciting at the same time. But did Mom listen before talking? No. She did almost all the talking. And what did she say? Nothing with a sense. What Dad said was only "Darling, Mom is right, don't go, it's too dangerous for you". Mom every time said dozens of no's. No here, no there! I had had enough of her! So, I walked off home and reached June, who was upset as well. She told me her parents didn't let her leave. But, as we started losing hope, an enthusiastic Bethy came and said that her parents would help us with our trip. But, she also wanted to invited also Holly. June thought it was a good idea, though I was less convinced. Luckily, they managed to convince me.


As I told before, Granny died. I missed her funeral, only because I HATE FUNERALS! When my sister came back home, she told me she had to leave for college. I was still crying and started even getting much angrier at her, but I calmed down and let her go. I went downstairs, in which I call "the underground floor" and started crying once again, until a dirty guy told me to stop. I noticed that the wasn't alone - he had brought all his family in my house. I was pleased. I needed to tell Bethy, Holly or whoever else, but I preferred to wait. They don't need to see me with a fucking sad face.

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