Part XIV

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Chapter 27



Rick's party was a disaster. He never noticed me. He always looked at other girls (luckily, Avery hadn't been invited), and that pissed me off. Particularly, he and his cousin spent all their time with two bitches (namely Lissa Crane and Jodee Hess); but he had the chance to explain me Lissa is a friend of his (and has a boyfriend) and Jodee is his cousin's fiancée. After the disaster party finished, Rick drove me at his place, and we had a great time. At midnight I came back home drunk and my parents were angry, but I explained them everything, so they didn't punish me.


School is almost over, and we all should start packing; but M hasn't started yet, which pisses me off. So, I get angry and tell her, "M, you are supposed to start packing!".

And she replies, "Bethy! Stop being paranoid! I can't pack today. I have to unpack Kayleigh's luggage. Oh, sorry, I didn't tell you. Kayleigh is moving to my basement".

"And Devan? Are you going to...", but she interrupts me, "No. I'm not gonna kick him out. He and his family only have to share the basement with her".


But I realize I am the only one who has already started packing. Skye is having a shopping spree every two days; Holly and Cayla can't decide what to bring; Leslie and Caroline are taking it easy; speaking of Leighann, she is hanging out with boys! If they don't start packing seriously, we'll miss the trip.


The show will take place in the theater several times, in the end of June and in July. We need to work hard if we want to be successful. There are only three boys taking part in the show (Nathan Meyers, on whom Bree has a crush, Jay Golden, a very gross guy, and Victor Livingston, who is Leisha's younger brother). The others (Sage Sanders, Bridget Dunlap, Rebecca Middleton) are witty girls. Bree, Aimee, Lynn and I are the only serious girls in this club. Oh, I forgot to tell you something: there is also my hateful, witty, older sister Valorie (pay attention to her!).


It's quite clear that Skye isn't my friend anymore. She is too busy at packing for leaving to Europe. I am very angry with her, because I thought she couldn't leave, but, obviously, her parents must have changed her mind. Now, I am looking for a new friend. I sit at a table where there are desperate girls who are looking for friends, and there is Ashley McFarland at another table with Leisha Livingston and Lynelle Fry. I decide to stay at the table of the Desperate Girls, where I meet Kelsey Osborne, who used to be a member of the Glee Club. The others (Amberly Foster, Blair Singleton, Sidney Lutz) are too desperate for me, so Kelsey and I move to Ashley's table. They are saying some interesting things about Paige Chapman. I hear Lynelle crying. Things are more serious than I expected.

Chapter 28



I finally met Paige Chapman. I was very disappointed with her. I thought she was a nice girl, but, obviously, I was wrong. When I asked her about Lynelle, she told me they were not friends and that Lynelle, after being dumped, didn't care about her and started looking for new friends.

I also have other news. Next year there will be only one cheerleader squad, so the girls (especially Elyse) start panicking. What would happen if Melodie, Tiffany, Kathy, Audry and the other Mean Cheerleaders won? They have no talent, and we need people with talent.

Packing for the trip is the only thing which distracts me from everything.


Leslie and I are thinking about a way to spend more time with the others, but it just doesn't work... But Leslie knows the right person who can help us: her British friends Lauren Harrison and Lloyd Key. We are all packing and I also suggest the others to go to England first. The others accept, though M points we should go there first anyway, because her sister is here. I am sorry for Devan, as he can't come: luckily he won't be alone, as Kayleigh Russell is with him.


Casey may be over, but I am still worried about her. But there is a big problem: Avery is here, and she has just threatened me and Raeann of death if we both try to talk to Casey.

"What can we do?", asks Raeann. She is worried.

"I suggest trying to talk to Casey anyway", I propose. "Avery is nobody for not allowing us to talk to who we want".

"You are right. Casey needs you. If you apologize, she'll understand".

"Or maybe not, but what matters is that we tried to talk to her".

I think our plan will work. But, if not so, I hope at least Casey can stand over Avery.


Now that Kayleigh has a place where to live, I am ready to pack and go to visit my Granny. But I have another problem: Granny is ill. I don't know what to do. I don't have any Plan B, so, if Granny is nearly dying, I can only come back home, while my parents are away for work. "Calm down, Jess", I think. "No need to worry". But how can I stay calm? I wish school never finished...


School's last day.

Here is what happened today.


Ms. Parker was late. So we did whatever we wanted.


Ms. Parker arrived and saw the mess we made. She didn't say a word, nor she threatened us with taking us to detention. That meant that we were free!


Break. The dinner lady was still absent. She had to be there to make lunch. Meanwhile, Leighann flirted with Jared and Caroline with Alex. Bethy took too many photos.


Maths lesson. We HATE Maths, especially when the teacher isn't very interesting. And he is fucking boring. Not that day! He didn't talk about how to find the equation of a hyperbola or anything else at all! We played cards and ate junk food instead.


Lunch time! We played in the kitchen! The dinner lady was fucking ABSENT. Someone thought to be in Hell's Kitchen. C'mon. I knew the chefs are real chefs, but even a child could notice Chef Ramsay isn't evil... Well, Devan thought so. He never watched Hell's Kitchen, nor any other culinary TV programmes, neither MasterChef. Casey berated him for this. "C'mon!", she said. "You don't like chefs who tell contestants to fuck off, spit out and throw food in the trash, do you? And Hell's Kitchen is all about Chef who screams and shouts all night".

That's all. Now, you know Devan hates Hell's Kitchen, while the rest of the school loves it.

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