Part VI

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Chapter 11



I receive a phone call from Lake, and he is exactly who I don't wanna hear from!

I: What on hell do you want? You're Skye's boyfriend!

Lake: Skye? Who is she?

I: I got my ring back, and now I understand how gross you are!

Lake: Hey darling, don't you dare! You know who I am...

I: No, I don't...

Lake: I am Lake McKey, while you are a fucking nothing...

I: That's enough! I hang up!

Lake: Remember: things between us are over. And I'll make your life be a hell!

He finally hangs up.

I finally tell the truth to M and Bethy, and M keeps saying that we must go on with Plan B. For now, Devan is safe. But I am not...


I am hanging out with Lake and I'm nervous. Luckily, I made it up with June and she gave me some advice. Now, I'm ready to be his actual girlfriend.

But I am receiving an awful surprise.

Lake is at the café, where we arranged to meet, but he isn't alone. He is with a girl. I wanna think she's only a friend. Lake is whispering in her ear (he never whispered to Leighann's ear). What on hell is going on?


I heard from Caroline Ho that Holly has been kidnapped. She refuses to tell me who has taken Holly away, until Bethy threatens her: "If you don't tell us who kidnapped Holly, we'll tell everybody you have a crush on that geek of Alex Dyer". Alexander Dyer, better know as Alex, is the least popular boy at school. He and Caroline would be a perfect couple. When Leighann reaches us, she asks Caroline who's the girl who's cheating on Skye. "I was walking around with Leslie Wilson (another geek) and Dawne Medina (an artsy girl), when I heard Amanda Bartlett talking about Lake", says Caroline. "You all know how chatty Amanda is. And guess who is Lake's new lover? Marybelle Beasley". Marybelle is one of the most popular girls at school, and, believe me, one of the most hateful!

"Thank you, Caroline", replies Leighann. "If you see Dawne or Leslie, say hello to them for me".

As Caroline leaves, Bethy says, "We need to tell Skye or June the truth. Maybe Marybelle is only the last of Lake's 'list'. He likes making girls suffer".

"That's unfair!", exclaims Leighann.

I agree, "You're right. And, speaking of Amanda, we should make sure she keeps her lips sealed. She knows of Devan. If she reveals anything about him, we'll be in serious trouble!".

"What trouble?". We hear a voice. It's June's. Oh, no!

Chapter 12



I know Bethy and the others are trying to help Skye, but, if I were them, I still would pay attention to Casey McCoy. She is a monster. She has used Marybelle in order to make Skye mad. And, as a result, Skye is in a trap. But let's get back to Bethy, Mary-Mae and Leighann. They know Holly has been kidnapped. "I bet it is Casey's fault!", I say, but M stops me: "June, we still don't know whose the fault is. We still have to find it out". But I still believe Casey and her "friend" Katelyn took Holly away. And I am still worried for her. Anyway, Skye needs help now.


This date was a hell. The last time, Lake was with Marybelle Beasley. Today, he spent time with Roseanne Gray. I think Marybelle and Roseanne were only part of his plan to make me jealous. He has cheated on me several times, and I am fed up with him.

I: Lake, we need to talk.

Lake: Not now...


Lake: Ok, Ok...

I: Why did you cheat on me? We are together!

Lake: You're wrong...

I: Lake...

Lake: What?

I: We are OVER!

Lake: Ok. I'll make your life a hell as I did with Marybelle, Roseanne and... Leighann! You'll regret leaving me!

I leave. I am disgusted by him. Luckily, I still have friends.


Everything is going as planned, except for Skye dumping Lake. If Casey finds this out, I am dead. I need to talk to someone... Here comes Amanda.

I: What would you do if you found out your friend wants revenge on someone else?

Amanda: Nothing. I'd ask them why they had something such horrible as revenge.

I: Well... don't tell anybody... Casey wanted payback against Holly. Did you go to Mary-Mae Trevino's party?

Amanda: No. I was ill.

I: Neither did Casey. She called Holly, invited her at hers, lied to her telling she wanted to lend her a dress and...

Amanda: I don't care...

She leaves. She has been very rude. And I didn't confess anything to anybody. Casey would be quite confident...

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