Part III

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Chapter 5



I realized how badly I was behaving towards the other moments ago. Now, I'm looking forward to getting ready for this amazing trip. But, as Bethy, June and I were starting planning everything, Mary-Mae has just rushed here with what she calls "good news": she is going to throw a party in the weekend and wants us to take part in it. Bethy has accepted. I refuse taking part in events involved with Mary-Mae, so I'm not going at all! June is disappointed at this decision.


Never trust Mary-Mae Trevino. You might get bad surprises.


"Leighann! I've got good news!". I am shouting like a fucking groupie at a fucking rock concert. "We'll throw a BIG PARTY!!!"

"PARTY TIMEEEE!!!". Leighann is shouting even louder. "Who on hell is coming?"


"And Holly?"

"Oh, yes... Holly. I need to call her."

One hour later...

"HOLLY IS COMING!!!". I am wasting all my voice.

"Wow!", replies Leighann. "We need to invite more and more people!". She is even more excited than me. "This party is going to be a success. Now, I have to go.", and she goes home.

Dinner time (20,00)

I ask my new "family" if I can host the party. Mr. Grier says he wants to take part to this absurd event, but I notice that Devan is quite embarrassed. "Only joking!", says Mr. Grier. He laughs, but there's nothing to laugh about.


"Mary-Mae Trevino is hosting a fucking party, and you did nothing to ruin it?". I am mad at Katelyn. She says, "Casey, have you ever been to parties? Parties are supposed to be fun events, not the excuse for payback!".

"Shut the fuck up!", I reply. She says, "I'm off. I've had enough of your bad mood. See you next time!" and goes away.

I don't care if Mary-Mae is hosting a fucking party. What I care is there won't be a party... thank to me (because I'll ruin it)!

Chapter 6




Bethy and Leighann are the first to come. I ask them if they've brought something like food, drinks or anything else. The house is packed of food, drinks, plastic plates, plastic glasses, plastic forks and napkins.


I go downstairs to call Devan and tell him to join the party, after telling his family to stay there.


Skye and June come round to join the party. They have fun. Many other people are coming in. "This party is a blast!", says Bethy, excited. "Yeah", I answer, "It'll be the most amazing party of the history!".


Dinner time. There are pizzas, sandwiches, french fries, hamburgers and popcorn. Devan goes downstairs to bring his family some food.


People start getting drunk. Holly is absent. "Where's Holly?", asks Skye, angry. "You told us Holly would come!", says June, who's as angry as Skye.


Skye and June are panicking and wonder whether Holly has forgotten the party or not. I am worried. So, I decide to talk about it to my friends.

"Holly told me she would come.", I say.

"Where on hell is she?", asks Leighann, who is in state of panic.

"Calm down!", says Bethy. "You don't need to panic. Maybe she's in punishment!"

"Don't say it again!", I scream. "We know Holly's parents! They'd never punish her..."

"...without a reason! There's something strange, and we need to find it out!"

"Ok. Ok. Let's go. This party must end. There are too many people throwing up!"

The domino effect of throw up isn't finishing yet. Leighann is throwing up. I need to go to the toilet. I might throw up, as well.


"I am supposed to be at Mary-Mae's. What do you want from me?", I ask.

"Nothing. I need something to be clear. Come with me", says Casey.

Katelyn laughs nervously.

Casey takes me at hers, she shows me a door. I go in, and suddenly Casey shuts the door, better say that she's locking it. I can't get out. I have to go to the party! It's way too late...

I only can hear that two fucking witches laughing!

"Help!", I scream.

But screaming and shouting is useless...

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