He's Awake Now

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"Kim Taehyung?" A doctor walked into the waiting room with a clip board in his hand. Taehyung's head shot up. "That's me!" The doctor smiled and walked over. "Hello, I'm doctor reeves, are you Park Jimin's...." Doctor.Reeves trailed off not wanting to assume. "I'm his best friend" Taehyung smiled half heartedly. "He's asleep for now but he should wake up at any moment." Taehyung sighed in relief. "Can we see him" Tae looked to Hoseok who was sitting behind him. "Of course just follow me." Doctor.reeves led us to the room and actually Jimin was already awake. "Taehyung....?" Jimin had a ventilator over his nose. "Hey jimjim..wait..Doctor why does he have on a ventilator?!??" Doctor.Reeves looked down. "He has two fractured ribs and a broken arm...the ventilator is in case his lungs fail.." Taehyung was beyond shocked that a single bully was able to do all of this. "Oh....." Taehyung walked to Jimin's side. "I'm sorry I wasn't there in time..." Jimin smiled and let out a heavy breath. "It's not your fault I was asking for it.." Jimin stopped when he saw Hoseok. "Hobi......." Hoseoks face fell with guilt. "Why are you here...." Jimin's face was a mix of sadness and fear. "Because..I need to make up for what I've done..."

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