Protect Him

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Sorry for the short chapters:"( I just can't write a lot at one time but I hope you all enjoy lmao..

Once Taehyung had calmed Jimin so they could go to class..two boys confronted the couple. "How are you not dead already?!..." one of the boys sassily looked Jimin up and down. "I thought I took care of you already..I guess your a tough one after all." Taehyung was beyond pissed. He wasn't stupid. It was obvious these were the kids who attacked Jimin and his mother. Taehyung didn't hesitate to punch the first boy in the face. "KAE!!" The second boy got on his knees and helped the apparently 'Kae' up off the ground. "YOU TWO WERE THE ONES WHO SHOT SEOKJIN AMD JIMINNIE WEREN'T YOU!!" He punched both of them and Jimin stood there scared to death. Kae and mystery guy sat there dumbfounded. "Well Luhan I think we come out. Yeah we tried to kill your little bitch." That only earned him a kick to the stomach. A teacher was watching the whole thing and called 911 when Kae pulled out his gun. Jimin got in front of Taehyung afraid of what the boys might do to him. The quad of boys heard a door open and that saw the schools music producer walk out. He was an American unlike everyone else and he was black. "M-Mr.Jones..."
"Jimin.Tae. Get behind me please.."Taehyung nodded and took Jimin's hand and led him behind their bulky and strong music teacher.
" two boys were why Jiminnie here wasn't in school for four months?" Mr.Jones asked nonchalantly. "S-sir..t-this is a-all-" Kae's words were replaced with screams of pain whe Mr.Jones pulled him up by the ear and pinned him to a locker. "Now you listen to on hurts Jimin..and you two are way to irresponsible to have im going to report you to-..." They all heard police sirens and noticed the female teacher peeking out.
'Thank god' Taehyung thanked the lord.

The two boys Kae and Luhan would later be taken and court with Jimin his mother along with Taehyung and his father as witnesses.
Taehyung walked Jimin home and stayed this time to look after both Seokjin and his Sunshine.
"And we go to court in a week...?." Seokjin couldn't believe that the boys showed themselves at school like no one cared. "I'm afraid so..but now we can get justice for both of you..." Taehyung and Seokjin finally looked at Jimin who was silently crying to himself. "Jiminnie...." Taehyung spotted closer and put his arm around Jimin. "I'm sorry Minnie..." Tae kissed the top of his head. Jimin positioned himself in the crook of Taehyung's neck. "It's all okay now Minnie...they won't bother you anymore...and I'll be here to protect you...."
Protect him
Mr.Jones escorted Jimin and Taehyung to Jimin's house. Seokjin was informed of the threat made to his son and he automatically thanked Tony and sook his hand.
"Mom...they were going to shoot Tae...I can't let them get away with this...." Seokjin hugged Jimin tightly. This entire situation was changing Jimin..yes he was becoming more head strong but Seokjin was worried he might cut off all emotion. That thought was quickly erased when he realized Jimin was crying..of course he acting like this...he's traumatized. No one gets shot, enters a coma for three months, comes back to school to be confronted by his shooters, aanndd..have them pull a gun out on him...again..while his boyfriend is there..and they're both in danger.
"I'm sorry Jiminnie" Seokjin drew invisible circles on Jimin's back and Taehyung joined them. Seokjin let Tae take control so Jimin would calm down. "Minnie..I'm so sorry this is happening...but they will be brought to justice and here for you every step of the way..I love you Minnie.." Jimin sobbed but clung to Taehyung's jacket. "..T-Tae...thank y-you...I don't t-think I've t-told you yet..b-but..." Jimin took in a deep breath and found a new confidence in him. "I love you so much.." Jimin lifted his head and without thinking the boys connected their lips.

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