Seventeenth Ask

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Error: UmmMmmMM 2 MoNtHs?


Chesca: Um, Okay?

Ink: Okay

Chesca and Fresh
Palette and Goth
Me and Error
Geno and Reaper
Dream and Blueberry

Chesca: ......

Ink: Okay, Fresh and chesca first

Fresh: kk didly darn

Ink: 3.....2.....1..... GO!

Chesca: *eats jalapeno* HOT!

Fresh: *continues eating jalapeno*

John: Hey Chesca, I'm Ho-

Chesca: *says milk in a cute voice*

John: On it *gets a glass of milk and gives it to chesca*

Chesca: *drinks it* thanks, why did you come back? I thought you are t-

John: Don't ask

Chesca: Fresh wins

Fresh: Sorry ma radical p brotastic bro

John: you're dead to me *hugs Chesca*

Ink: Okay now Palette and Goth

Palette: Ready

Goth: Yep

Ink: 3.....2.....1..... GO

Palette and Goth: *eats all the peppers*

Goth: I'm full.......... HOT! I NEED MILK!

John: *gives him a glass of milk*

Goth: *drinks it* Thanks Palette wins

Ink: Okaaaaaay if I'm eating this turn off the camera for a while

Chesca: okay *turns off camera*

Turns on camera again

Chesca: okay guyz, we are back and we just skipped all the leftover players cause someone forgot to press the record button

C: sorry

Chesca: and John left ;-;

Ink: the winners

1. Fresh

2. Palette

3. Error

4. Reaper

5. Blueberry

Dream: Gg everyone


Dream: Cross.....

Thousand years: A Palette x Goth story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now