Conversations! that are funny

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Funny conversations with John, Antonio and Aya


*In math class*

Teacher: Give me an example of an integer

John: *loud but soft thinking no one could hear* 21

Teacher: That's correct

Chesca: Ohhhhhhhh

John: *laughs*

Matthew: 69

Teacher: also correct

John: *laughs*

Chesca: what is wrong with 69?

John: *saying why*

Chesca: *completely dosen't get it* OHHHHHHHHH I DONT GET IT

John: Do you want me to explain 4 hours just to get it?

Chesca: Maybe, maybe no?


*eating lunch*

John: Hey dude, How would you react if I had a girlfriend?

Chesca: Proud and happy, How would you react if I had a boyfriend?

John: I don't know, what if we had a girlfriend and boyfriend at the same day? Double date

Chesca: Lol

John: Wait...... What if I'm your boyfriend?

Chesca: sad😂😂😂😂

John: Lol


*break time*

Chesca: Hey Antonio, who do you ship John with?

Antonio: A bit to you

Chesca: Really?

Antonio: But I don't ship it

Chesca: Yay!

John: Hey Chesca, who do you ship Antonio with?

Chesca: Ananda?

Antonio: No, not my type

John: Antonio, who do you ship Chesca with? WITH MATTHEW!

Chesca: Bruh

Antonio: With me

Chesca: Woah, woah woah dude, you tryin' to joke in there huh broski?

Antonio: Kidding


*same day and in the classroom*

Chesca: Hey guyz T or D?

John: D

Chesca: Slap Yourself

John: *slaps himself softly*

Chesca: Good, my turn..... Youtube

Antonio: Sing or dance?

Chesca: Sing

John: Sing the coconut song

Chesca: No

John: The coconut nut is a giant nut

Both: if you eat too much, you get very fat

Chesca: Lol, Okay just any song

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