The Start: Arc 1: Chapter 1

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Nine Months Ago

Jay's POV

"Shit!" I exclaimed as I looked at the time.

"Onii-chan," my younger sister called, "you're going to be late for school."

"I know that!" I hollered back.

I sprung up from the bed and made a mad dash to the closet. I opened it and changed into my uniform that consisted of a white collared shirt, beige pants, a red tie, and a blue coat with the school emblem on it. I exited the room with no time to spare grabbing my shoes, my bag, and a piece of toast while almost tripping.

As I sprint to the door, my mother whipped out a bento box out of nowhere and shoved into my arms.

With that, I ran out of the house.

"Have a good day." She smiled at me.


Third Person POV

"Hurry up! Close the gate!" Shouts a red-haired girl from the Disciplinary Committee.

As the rest of the Committee started to close the gate to KAIS International School, a group of 50 students started to make a mad dash. Peaking from the back was a blue-haired student. The blue-haired student cuts through the crowd like a knife and burst through the iron gates just in the nick of time.

"Made it!" He exclaimed.

"Barely though." The red-haired girl came up to him said.

"Aren't you a little ray of sunshine, Prez." He replied sarcastically.

"Jay Takamoto," she sighed, "this is the first time you've been almost late to school. What a shock."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He groaned.

"Well anyways, did you hear about the transfer student coming to our class?" She asked punching his shoulder.

"Prez, I mean Arian," he stated, "doesn't everyone know? Plus, I heard she's from England."

"Yeah," she replied,"anyways, let's get to class before anyone scolds us. Also, guess what today is."

"The Hero Exam," Jay responded.


Jay's POV

The Hero Exam, that takes place every December for second-year high school students, is a test which tests both academic, athletics, and ability. To pass, you need a score of 80 or higher basically, another version of the S*T.

In this world, everyone has a special power or ability whether it's having super strength or even controlling fire. Sometimes on rare occasions, a person may have multiple abilities. Fortunately, I'm one of those people but, my ability is to copy other people's ability. Once I copy it, the ability stays with me forever so I guess it's kind of a cheat. Anyways, you could say that I have a few abilities, let's say 1000 of them. However, I can only use five a day no matter how many I copy.

For today's exam, I'm going to be using an energy manipulation ability, a prediction ability, an enhanced sight ability, and a speed ability. I'm sorry mom that I white lied about my ability but no matter what, I will pass with flying colors.


Arian gave me a face like, 'you're correct my friend.' That girl has been my friend ever since primary school and is also my advisor. The point is, we get along well. Also, Arian, under some circumstances got to take the Hero Exam early. Lucky duck. Her ability is Five Trigrams, meaning that she can use energy to create anything and everything. However, the restrictions include that she can't create something that her opponent already has nor anything in a 15 meter radius. Because her ability is so rare, she was automatically accepted into all the districts yet she decides to work for District 14 in Downtown Ikebukuro also know as the district that has the least amount of funding.

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