The Start: Arc 1: Chapter 5

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"So," the masked man smiled, "are you going to help us or not?"


I glanced at him and thought about it for a second. If I join the Heroes, I may be able to find that girl Marin. However, if someone does find out that I'm the 'God' of abilities, I'm screwed. On the other hand, if I join Black King I might be able to do the above. On top of that, I might be able to find the Hero who put me in this state. Then I ask,

"Where is this place anyway?"

The masked man looks at me.

"This is District 14, it serves as a way for us to infiltrate the Hero Organization and get involved with important affairs without getting caught."

"Also," Arian chimes in, "your application as well as AJ's have been given perfect scores. Therefore, when you enter the District as a 'Hero', you will be registered as an A-rank. But as a 'Villain', you will start off as a Minion cause we don't want you to be exposed."

"By the way," I interrupted, "AJ, how long have you been doing this for?"

"Four months." He shrugged as if it were nothing special.

"Okay," I said, "back to the topic."

"Ah," Arian coughed, " as I said we don't want you to get exposed; therefore we're going to rank you as a Minion since only F-rank heroes deal with us anyways."

"Well, since it's like that, I guess I have to accept. However, aren't you guys afraid that you will be found out at some point?"

"Don't worry," the masked man smiled, "as long as the facade of District 14 remains effective, no one will find out that we're the ones operating Black King behind the Heroes backs."

"That's very assuring." I scoffed.

"It really is." AJ cocked a grin.

The masked man stood up from the chair removing any wrinkles in his already posh clothing and with a wave of his hand, the cuffs unlocked by themselves. Then it hit me like a brick, there is only one person in the whole Hero Organization and world who has the ability to manipulate objects to this extent.

"Thank you for releasing me, District 14 Cheif Manami Shukouko." I smiled.


Manami Shukouko, currently the youngest District Cheif in White Storm's brilliant history at the age of 17. He was originally an S-Rank hero before hearing that his father, the old District 14 Cheif was murdered by another S-Rank hero who escaped. By default, it was already determined that Manami would take over District 14 and he was determined to find his father's murder (A/N: Cliche right?!).


"Oh," the masked man, no, Manami spoke, "you're quite clever aren't you?"

"It wasn't that hard to figure out. Besides, you're the only person that has the ability to manipulate objects, specifically ones with metal to this extent. It's quite a hard ability to control yet annoying at the same time."

"I appreciate the complement. Although I'm only a year older, please address me by using Chief when in front of other Chiefs and Silver when I appear as a Villain."

He stuck out his hand while I glanced at it. I smiled and I shook it.

"Glad to be working with you, Takamoto."

"Same goes for you."

That was only the beginning of what was to come. I knew that the path I decided to walk upon would not be easy.

Before Manami released me from the building, he handed me a Black King minion uniform similar to Arian and AJ's as well as something that looks like a watch.

Don't want my parents to worry about me too much. As I left, apparently Arian and AJ were finished so they also got to leave.

"Man, I am beat." AJ yawned stretching his arms nearly knocking me in the face.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Arian elbowed his stomach playfully while putting him in a chokehold, "you did absolutely nothing to help me keep Takamoto restrained except for injecting the sleep powder into his system."

"Let me go Arian. I'm losing air." AJ wheezed.

Arian loosened her arm as AJ gasped for air.

"Man, I swear she's gonna kill me someday with that chokehold of hers."

"Well as long as you stay on her good side, you won't die by the hands of the 'monster'." I stifled a laugh while whispering.

"HEY I HEARD THAT YOU KNOW!" She yelled making a fist.

"Anyways," I spoke, "why did you guys use sleep powder on me just to take me to Manami?"

"Well, you wouldn't believe us if we told you that we worked for Villains right? Plus, you would have suspected us if we didn't head home right away without telling you. Remember this is confidential information."
Arian explained.

"That's true. I understand what your saying."

"But hey," AJ interrupted, "at least we get to work together in the same place. So let's do our best."

"Yeah." Arian yelled in excitement.

"Alright... starting tomorrow we begin our new life." AJ grinned putting his hand into a fist

I couldn't help but sigh.

When I arrived home, my parents seemed pretty concerned. I told them that after school activities held me up and that they could ask Arian or AJ that I wasn't lying. However, they weren't worried about that but more about my Exam results. I spoke that they would come out tomorrow. I was beat. Everything just rushed in like a tidal wave and it was quite exhausting for me to take in that amount of information. It seemed very surreal almost impossible. I was a god? I thought that was a lie but from the looks of it, Manami wasn't lying. However, I couldn't accept the fact that Black King were the real Heroes and White Storm was a fraud. So many questions filled my head. Who am I? What am I? Who's lying and who's telling the truth. From there I realized, I would have to stay and find out for myself.


Alright it's me Digi and I'm back with another chapter of HVP. The other  authors and I have decided that the old plot will continue and more updates will come. This is the end of Arc 1: The Beginning and Arc 2: The Titanium Fist is in the process of being edited. Hope you enjoyed the story so far.

Currently digging my own grave,


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