The Start: Arc 1: Chapter 4

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The loudspeaker turned off and it became quiet.

"Hannah's in first place?!" We exclaimed in shock.


My mouth went dry as I heard this and AJ's jaw dropped to the ground, literally.

"I guess we only need to worry about ourselves then." I stated.

"Yeah," AJ agreed, "I swear that girl's a monster. Knowing her, she's probably going to become an SS-class hero in no time."

"Well you got to take into account that she was trained at England Hero Academy meaning that she's more experienced than us in combat." I responded.

"True," AJ stuttered, "the only combat training we get is through PE once a week."

I couldn't agree any less. He was right. While here in Japan the training was only once a week, in England, it was every day.


"Dude," AJ started, "it's down to the last five. Plus if we want to make it into a District, we have to come out of hiding and beat out our competition."

"Yeah," I replied, "if we want to make it we'll have to beat two more opponents. So we're going to hunt down Rithvik first since he's more likely to be a challenge than Xue Hua."

"Unless he finds us first. On top of knowing our location, he has two abilities one is detection while the other one is an Element-type." AJ responded.

"Wow," I exclaimed sarcastically, "someone's done their research."

"Shaddup." He elbowed playfully.

"We've got no time to waste. Let's head to the Grass field."

"En." He responded.

With that, we left the Firepit dashing at about 40kmph. It took no longer than five minutes for us to reach the open space surrounded by trees. I activated my perception ability and scanned the area. There were traces of  Wind energy waiting for the command to strike.

I snapped my finger and created several, orange 'Bangs'. I twirled my finger in circles creating an orange ring of Energy. I grabbed the ring and stood in a defensive position. AJ was back to back with me and I could tell he was nervous. My palms were sweaty but I continued to keep a calm composure.

Then a bush rustled and I tossed the ring into it. Nothing happened. I activated my perception ability once more only to find nothing. Rithvik is hiding here and I could sense it. I turned around to find AJ with a wind blade to his neck. It was Rithvik, the Indian transfer student from my class.

"So you've finally decided to show yourself, Rithvik." I smiled deviously.

"I figured I couldn't make it into top 3 without playing some underhanded tricks." He responded with the Wind blade centimeters from cutting AJ's neck.

"Heh," I snickered, "you don't understand a thing. Underhand tricks like that won't work because this is war. A war for a place in society. Society is cruel isn't it?"

The Crow CodeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora