HVP Facts, Terms, and Characters 1: Races

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In the world of HVP, humans aren't the only race that exists. Besides humans, there are three more races that are commonly seen.


HUMANS: The most archaic of the four races and the ones who discovered that humans could develop abilities through special gene mutations.

Known Humans: 

-Hannah Summers

-Jay Takamoto (?) 


ANIMA: The second race that came into existence after the event of a chemical breakout in America. They are animals who developed human-like qualities and a century later, they possessed the ability to transform into humans and live amongst the humans. However, due to sudden animal transformations happening in public, the government created "Seals" after discovering that Animas have a set amount of time they can stay in human form. The Seals did not restrict transformation but prevented them to happen suddenly. As a result, Animas can stay in human form permanently while still maintaining the ability to transform.

Known Anima: 





PLATIANS: Similarly to Animas, Platians are plants that posses the ability to transform into humans; however, they possess one trait from the plant they are from. For example, a bean sprout Platians will possess a little sprout on the top of their head. For Flower Platians it's different. Flower Platians have to have their flower visible because, well, plants need sunlight and water to stay healthy. Platians also have to wear a "Seal" to prevent sudden transformation.

Known Platians: 





Hybrids: Hybrids are a mix of either Platian and Human or Anima and Human. For some really complex reason, there is no Platian and Anima Hybrid. The main differences between Hybrids and Purebred Animas and Plantains are that Hybrids cannot do full body transformations and only partial transformations. It's quite difficult to tell the difference between a hybrid and a purebred since they look almost the same except that Hybrids cannot conceal all their Anima or Platian traits with just one seal. 

Known Hybrids: 

-AJ Izuku




Race Unknown:

-Arian Raikou

*??? means that you have not met the character yet or the character is mentioned but their name isn't given. 

The question marks will be revealed after each arc. 

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