What's Wrong?

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Present Day

Mal's POV

As soon as I open my eyes, I feel the pain in my body.

My arms are sore, my legs hurt, my stomach won't let me sit up, and my hands are scratched up.

It's takes me all I have to remove the blanket and sit up.

I look at my arms, they have purple marks all over them. My shirt is ripped and it let's me see my stomach, I have a cut that goes all the way across. My legs are red from all the punches. I feel pain coming from my head. I touch my forehead and feel a small cut.

I walk slowly to the bathroom, trying not to wake Evie up so she won't see me like this and find out. After what seems like forever, I finally reach the doorknob.

Once I'm inside the restroom, I lock it and start to cry. Memories from last night flood my mind. It's almost unbearable...

But I can't say anything, I can't stop it.

If I tell anyone, even Evie, something horrible will happen to Ben. I don't want that. He's my life. I'll kill myself if anything happens to him.

Ben makes the pain worth it. Every night, after it's all done, I close my eyes and think about him. Knowing he's gonna be alright let's me at least go sleep with a small smile.

After I stop crying, I get Evie's make-up bag and started applying this liquid skin color thing to my face.

Thank God she made me learn how to put on make up, but I still don't know what third called. I hated her that entire week, but know I'm thankful for it.

The red and purple bruises get covered easily after two or three coats of this liquid. What I'm finding hard to cover is the cut.

After what seems like a million coats, I finally cover it.

"M! Hurry up I really gotta pee!" Evie says banging on the door.

"Hang on E!" I say putting all her make up back where it was.

Once I'm done, I open the door.

"Move!" She pushes me aside and slams the door shut.

I laugh softly and get my outfit. A long sleeve purple t-shirt, black jeans, and black tennis shoes.

"Evie! I'ma leave already I gotta meet Ben at breakfast!" I yell.

"Ok! See yah later!" She says.



I walk to school, but before I get to the cafeteria, I make a quick stop at my locker to get my sketch book.

As I'm looking through my books, I jump when I feel two arms wrapped around my waist.

"Chill, it's me." I hear him say.

I sigh.

"Ben, don't scare me." I say leaning back into his chest and holding his arms.

"Well I don't mean to scare you, you've just been... How do I say.. more soft?" He says but it comes off as a question.

"That's ridiculous." I say slamming my locker shut with my sketch book in hand.

"Sorry but it's true." He says trapping me between him and the lockers.

"No it's not." I say smiling.

"Yeah it is. Don't argue with me." He whispers.

He starts to lean in to kiss me, but for a split second I'm taken back to last night.

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