Behind The Door

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Mal's POV

"Fuck you." I spat.

"I would but, I'm not that interested in a bitch like you." He said. "Now where did we leave off?"

He came closer towards me.

"Oh yeah, right about here!" His hand came down so fast.

Before I knew it, I was on the ground and there was a sting in my cheek. I feel liquid building up in my mouth and I spit it out. I know the taste, blood.

"Now," he picked me up by hair, "shall we get the belt?" he asked.

"I swear Harry-"

"Shut up!" He screamed and banged my head against the floor.

I'm pretty sure I'm bleeding again, one of these days, Harry will give me a concussion and everyone will know something is up.

I can't let that happen. I have to be strong.

He hit me on my back a couple of times with the belt, leaving huge stings all over my back.

"Get up." He growled.

I used all the strength I had to pick myself up. I was now standing in front of him.

"Now, what's left for me to mess up?" He asked walking around me in a circle.

I was close to crying. But I can't cry, other wise, it'll just get worse.

"Oh right," he snapped his fingers, "I need to mess up Ben."

My eyes shot open.

"Don't you dare touch him!" I exclaimed.

"Well what else can I do?" He smirked. "I have hit you everywhere, there's really nothing left for me to do." He said standing close to my face.

"Wait, there's one thing." He said leaning in.

Fuck no!

I turn my head to the side and he kisses my head.


"Would rather me hit you?" He asked with a dumb smile on his face.

"Yes." I answered confidently.

I'd rather die than have his dirty lips one mine.

"Ok then, round two."

Just as his belt was about to hit me, there was a knock on the door.

"Mal, it's Evie!"

"Shit!" Harry cursed.

"M, you awake?!" She asked. Harry climbed out the window and I went to open the bathroom door.

"Just a sec Evie!" I said.

I turned on the lights, went to the door, and prepared myself for the race. I unlocked it and sprinted to the bathroom.

I closed the bathroom door just before Evie could see my face.

Luckily for me, Evie falls asleep really fast so after about ten minutes, I should be good.

"Mal, I'm gonna crash, night!" She said from the other side.

"Goodnight Evie!" I said.

I did my usual clean up and stayed in the bathroom a little longer.

After a few minutes, I got out of the bathroom and crawled into bed. I wake up before Evie does so I have time to cover myself up before she sees me.

I can't let anyone find out.

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