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Mal's POV

The moment I wake up, I feel the throbbing pain from last night, believe it or not, he's done worse.

I open my eyes and meet Evie's. She's sitting next to me on the bed.

"Mal, what happened?!" She yelled.

"Shhhh!" I shushed.


"Shut up." I whispered sitting up to cover her mouth.

She tried to talk but I couldn't understand her with my hand on her mouth.

"You gotta promise me that when I remove my hand, you'll be quiet." I told her.

She nodded slowly.

I removed my hand and she immediately spoke.

"What happened to you?" She asked.

"I got into a fight last night. No big whoop." I lied. I can't tell her the truth, she'll freak out even more.

"Mal don't give me that crap, if you would have gotten into a fight, you would have won and barely have any scratches." She said.

Damn it!

"Um..." I stuttered.

"Mal it's ok. You can tell me and we can keep it secret if you want." She said.

I took a deep breath.

"Harryhasbeenbeatingmeeverynightforfivemonths." I said quickly.

Not quickly enough because her mouth was wide.

I covered her mouth just before she screamed.

"Don't." I said.

I removed my hand.

"Mal! Are you serious? We have to tell someone." Evie said.

"No! You promised we can keep it a secret." I pointed out.

"I didn't know it was this serious." She fought back.

"I can't let anyone find out Evie." I said on the verge of tears.

Noticing that, her face softened.

"Why not?" She asked holding my hand.

"Because of I do, Harry will do something horrible to Ben. I can't let that happen Evie, I just can't." I said.

"But there's must be something we can do." She said.

"No, nothing. It's ok, I can handle it." I told her.

"But Mal, I don't like to see you hurting." Evie said.

"It's ok Evie." I said leaning on her shoulder.

We hugged for a couple minutes and then pulled away.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She said.

We went to the bathroom and she disinfected my cuts and bruises and put on some make up.

"I'll keep your secret on one condition." She said.


"I'm gonna be here when Harry is at night, if he doesn't stop, and I see that you're getting worse I'm telling." She said.

My eyes went wide.


"Mal, there's top security at the castle, you really think Harry can get to Ben without anyone noticing?" She asked.


"Or I can say something right now." She warned.

"But how will Ben react when he finds out?" I asked scared.

"He'll freak out, probably be mad you didn't tell him, find and beat up Harry. Mal he's gonna react like any other boyfriend would in his shoes." She told me.

"Ok." I sighed.

"Good." She said hugging me.

We pulled away when I heard a phone ring.

I went to the table and saw it was Evie's phone, that contact read 'Lovie Dougie'.

I laughed.

"It's for you." I said.

She took the phone from me blushing.

I laid down while they talked. Am I really ready for Ben to find out?

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