Test(xD) don't be scared

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So I've updated like 11 or 12 chapters (??I'm not sure) and I thought it would be good to test your knowledge.
Don't be scared tho, I'll make it simple.
So basically
the truth is marked P (PRAWDA)
the false is marked F (FAŁSZ)
You mark a sentence etc. P or F ( I know you know how to do that, let's not fool ourselves)

And plz guyz do it without looking at answers or cheating. It's to help you not. Think about your knowledge.


Prawda czy fałsz?

Mark the correct sentence

1. What means Dzień dobry?

C◻Good morning

2. Which one is correct?

A. Ja lubię
B. On lubić
C. Oni lubiją

Prawda czy fałsz?

In Poland you peck someone else's cheek 2 times.
P / F

In Poland when you peck someone else's cheek you start with the left one.
P / F

We say ' pa ' as ' bye'.
P / F

To say how old we are we use 'jestem x lat'
P / F

Write the correct answer:

7. How do you say ' Yes ' and ' No '?

8. How do you write 'Goodnight' ?

9. How do you write 'beside'?

10. How do you write 'inside'?

11. How do you write 'between'?

12. How do you write ' how'

What does that mean?

13. 'Co'?

14. 'Gdzie'?

15. 'Kiedy'?

16. 'Kto'?

17. ' Po co'?

18. ' cześć'?

19. 'Dobry wieczór'

1. C
2. A
3. F
4. P
5. P
6. F
7. Tak, Nie
8. Dobranoc
9. Obok
10. W środku
11. Pomiędzy
12. Jak
13. What
14. Where
15. When
16. Who
17. What for
18. Hello/hi
19. Good evening

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