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Guys it's Valentine's Day today and I lack everything today lmao.
I wanted to say "WTH GUYS every time I check the book thinking that maybe someone recommended the subject I should write a chapter about i get amazed by the views count. It's already 1.19K!"

I got some things to announce.

1st is the info that I have an art account on the Instagram. 
I post mostly digital art but also traditional art. Tbh, I draw some fanart but being honest with you, it's very stressful sometimes
If you wanna see some of my art, click the link below⬇

2nd is the AGAIN a pretty please to you to tell me WHAT I SHOULD WRITE ABOUT
I dun wanna write something that seemingly simple to me but too hard for you to understand.

I'll post the next chapters soon.

3rd is the question to you. I've been thinking about creating a portfolio book here and restarting the one with tips.
Would you like that?

4th is My DM's are always open! Be sure to message if you just feel like it! Whatever v it is.

I guess that's be it. See you (write you soon or whatever we're doing lmao).


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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